The Beast Unleashed.

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Before we get into the story, I'd like to share something with you all...



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Perfectly sums it up.

Just look at it. He's in attack mode! HA!

Ok, back to where we left off with Jessie's alter ego finally in the driver's seat!


Goetia Palace:

No one's POV:

Needless to say that everyone is in shock at what they have witnessed would be an understatement.

They didn't expect their dear Jessie, a mere human, to turn into a monstrous reptile, and completely decapitate Paimon with a single swing of his hand!

The creature stands at the same eye level as Paimon with snow white leathery reptilian skin, digitigrade legs with four claws on each foot, a muscular build, four claws on each hand, and maroon red spikes along its arms, a single row going down its back, and four of them at the end of its long tail.

The beast has two different colored stripes on its body. On its chest it has black triangular stripes on the sides of its chest, and thighs. It also has golden colored triangular stripes on its hips, and chest. It also has black triangular stripes/markings under its eyes that go down to its lower jaw.

There's four banded markings at the end of its tail right before they meet the four spikes. Each band has a thick black outer band, and a thicker gold band in the center.

The red spikes resemble as maroon red colored thorns on its arms, and the single row on its back goes from the back of its neck down to where the tail begins after the base.

The beast also had bright red eyes with a circular black pupil, and no visible iris. Instead, it has thin black rings that are make its eyes look similar to a certain imp that Stolas, and Stella met before.

The head of the beast has a pointed chin, big crested eyebrows, and a row of white spikes that go from its muzzle/short snout to the back of its head.

Another thing to note, is that the beast has sharp golden colored teeth when it gave a sinister smile. Not a disgusting yellow, but a legitimate golden yellow like gold.

The beast began to stretch, and pop its joints in relief after the howling roar it gave.

"Ah, it's so good to be back." It, or more accurately, he spoke in a deep voice as he popped, and cracked some of his joints.

"W-Who, and what ARE you?" Octavia asked with a fearful stutter.

She flinched when the beast whipped his head towards her.

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