More Girls, More Problems. Part 2.

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Jessie's POV:

'Oh shit, here I go again.' I think to myself.

Of course I'd eventually run into more demon girls from my past.

"You said you were only here for spring break! What gives, bitch?!" Blitzo continued to angrily shout at Verosika.

Verosika merely smirked. Finding it satisfying to see Blitzo mad.

"Originally I was. But I figured that working across from you in the same building would piss you off more." She said.

The rest of her posse chuckled at the remark.

I hate to say it, but that was honestly funny.

But unfortunately, Verosika took notice of me, and my blood went cold.

I kept my hood down low enough to where I could still see... somewhat. But it was low enough to where they couldn't see what I looked like underneath. So hopefully she won't notice I'm human.

IF she keeps her hands to herself.

"Well look at what we have here? You get a new stooge, Blitzo?" Verosika asked in a teasing tone.

"Try hostage." I quipped.

I get elbowed in the leg by Millie. I glared at her as she gave me a disappointed look.

"Behave, young man." She said sternly.

"I'm not your damn kid." I growl back.

"If you don't behave, she'll make you behave, Jessie." Moxxie said.

My eyes widened within a second.

"DON'T SAY MY NAME OUT LOUD, YA JACKASS!" I yelled in an angry panic.

"But we've always said your name out loud." Moxxie pointed out, a little confused.

"I meant don't say it in front of other demons, retard!" I exclaimed irritably.

Verosika had a look of realization.

"Wait. Jessie? You mean that human kid you kept years ago?" Verosika questioned.

"Uh... no?" I tried to deny it.

She smirked, and began to approach me.

"She's not buying it, Jessie." Moxxie pointed out, blurting out my name again.

I immediately kicked him in the nuts. He went down with a high pitched squeak.

"My jewels." He groaned.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!" I yelled at him.

Suddenly my hood is yanked back, and I froze.

I glanced to the side to see that it was Verosika who yanked the hood off my head.

"Ooooooooooo~ He's such a stud." Verosika purred.

"Piss off!" I said, slapping her hand off my hoodie.

"Oh, feisty. I can't believe that you used to be the same scared little boy. You grew up hot!" She said.

She then began to smell me, and it weirded me out.

"*Sniff* *sniff* Oh, and you're still a virgin!" Verosika says with a hint of excitement as her eyes widened.

"So?" I said, not seeing the point.

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