She's his WHAT?!

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Attention readers, this story has officially reached 100k views!

So in spirit of getting 100k views, here's the new chapter of Hunted by my Demons.

(Now it reached 102k views while I was working on this chapter).

Before we get into the next chapter, I'd like to remind you all that Jessie is voiced by Jonah Hill in this story.

So I'd like to introduce the other voice actors in this story for Rick, Dez, and Saber Thorn.

Rick Antonov: "Lucien Dodge." The English voice actor for Akaza from Demon Slayer.

Dez: "Matthew Watterson." The voice actor for Doom Guy in DOOM Eternal.

Saber Thorn: "Samoa Joe." The voice actor for King Shark in the video game The Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League.

SoryuSigma is the one who picked the voices for Rick and Dez. It wasn't easy for me to pick a voice for Saber Thorn, because I didn't want him to sound like Venom (even though there's nothing wrong with that). But I like Samoa Joe's voice for King Shark better. It suits Saber Thorn in my opinion.

(Update: One particular scene has been changed.)


Human realm, the orphanage...

No one's POV:

Back in the human realm, Loona, Millie, Octavia, and Stella had managed to find the orphanage that Jessie lives in because Loona had smelled his scent here, and it's the only orphanage in the town.

Everything at the orphanage seemed to be normal... on the outside at least. The inside of the orphanage is a different story.

While the outside of the building appeared normal to anyone who takes a glance at it. The inside however has become a slaughterhouse!

When the four demon girls arrived, Octavia asked the administrator of the orphanage about Jessie. When the administrator asked why, the quartet claimed that he might've stolen something from them by accident, and were wondering if they could look through his belongings to see if he has it or not.

The administrator however, refused. She said that she can't because it would be invasion of privacy, and Jessie had been reported to the police as missing. So no one can go through his stuff without a warrant.

When Millie explained that they were gonna adopt Jessie, and have him decide who he wants to go with, the administrator was delighted that more than one lady wanted to make Jessie part of their family. Yet she said that until he's found she can't do anything about it, because he's missing, and she needs him to sign the papers in order to make it official.

Then Loona said that he wasn't missing, and he just ran away until they found him.

Apparently the administrator wasn't as naive as they thought, because she became suspicious almost immediately. She then asked if she could contact him to see if he's alright. Stella tried to reassure the administrator that he was indeed alright, and he wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

The administrator wasn't buying it, and was going to call the police to see if they can get a warrant to check up on Jessie themselves.

That's when everything went to south real fast.

Long story short, Millie lunged at the administrator, and began to relentlessly butcher her, and Loona joined in! Octavia and Stella began to turn anyone who sees them to stone, then smash them into a pile of rocks!

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