New Character, and Three Employees.

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Prepare for a big reveal in the next chapter!

There will be another surprise that was inspired by one of my viewers, @nathaneskell to make my story more interesting. You'll see what I mean in the next chapter because this one was taking awhile to make. I forgot to add the full surprise in the previous chapter, so you got only part of it (which was a clue to Saber Thorn's origin) and I forgot to add it in the previous chapter. Anyways, you'll be seeing what one of the surprises is.


Earlier that day, Human realm...

We now cut back to the human realm, before Octavia opened a portal, and people are going about their business such as daily routines or just hanging out.

Speaking of which, we shift our focus on a complete stranger walking along the sidewalk.

Wait, why are we focusing on this human? What about Jessie?

Well then, you're about to find out.

This human is an eighteen year old caucasian male who's five foot nine, who weighs one hundred an forty pounds. He wears black jeans, black t-shirt under his jacket, black and green shoes, dark brown hair, black irises, a cross necklace, and his jacket is black with a thick purple horizontal stripe going across the middle, a yin yang symbol over the left side of the jacket, a black strap on each sleeve, and the jacket sleeves are white with black cuffs (or whatever you call the ends of the sleeves).

 He wears black jeans, black t-shirt under his jacket, black and green shoes, dark brown hair, black irises, a cross necklace, and his jacket is black with a thick purple horizontal stripe going across the middle, a yin yang symbol over the left s...

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(A/n: His eyes and hairs aren't purple... yet. You'll see why sometime later in the story. This is an OC suggested by SoryuSigma since they've been a big help with parts of the story that I hadn't planned yet or had trouble planning. Also, no it doesn't mean the rest of you can start tossing in OC's either, it's a one time thing for this story. Just to be clear.)

Anyways, this young man is just walking along the sidewalk, and minding his own business. Just him, and his thoughts.

'Another peaceful day, as per usual.' A deep yet calm voice spoke in his head.

Ok, maybe not just his thoughts.

'It's always like that, Dez.' The young man responded in his thoughts.

'Most of the time, it is Rick. Other times, not so much.' The voice, now known as Dez, spoke in the young man's mind, now known as Rick.

'Yeah, people can be pretty stupid when picking fights for no reason.' Rick replied.

'And yet you always savor every moment of a good fight.' Dez pointed out.

'I can't help it. It's exhilarating for me, and you know that.' Rick counters casually, like he's talking to a long time friend.

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