Family Dinner Birds.

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Goetia palace:

No one's POV:

Jessie, reluctantly walked alongside Stella to find Octavia so he can apologize to her. Even though he doesn't want to, Jessie had to go along with this in order to figure a way out of here, and find a way home.

If he even can get home.

The royal demoness, and the male human teen remained silent as they trekked through the long hallways. Jessie kept his eyes off of the royal bird demon, not so much as sparing her a glance. He was kept aware of her presence because of her rather obvious height, her royal ball gown-like dress, and the occasional glances the she gave him.

Which was a little off putting for those that know Stella's personality.

She kept giving Jessie glances as they walked. Whether it was to keep an eye on him, or to make sure he wasn't staring at her, is anyones guess. It's most likely both.

Finally, he whipped his head to the side to meet Stella's eyes looking at him before she quickly averted her gaze.

"You gonna keep looking at me like I'm some kind of trophy, or what?" Jessie questioned, his voice sounding monotone.

"Well someone has to make sure you don't get any bright ideas on escaping." Stella said, crossing her arms in a huff.

"Psh! I'd like to see you try." Jessie said.

"I'll do more than try, boy." Stella said with a devious smirk.

In all honesty, her smirk sent chills down his spine. It gave him the creeps.

"Creepy, much?" Jessie asked.

"Oh, you'll know when I'm being creepy." Stella said.

"I do know, and you're being creepy right now." Jessie said.



Back with Stolas, we see him comforting Octavia on the couch. She's leaning into him with a saddened expression, and Stolas is hugging her with one arm.

Octavia is still upset over what Jessie said to her earlier, and her father is comforting her again after his little 'chat' with Jessie left him getting electrocuted by the him.

That little incident honestly left him baffled. He knows for certain that humans aren't capable of exerting an electrical attack like Jessie did. However, Stolas could've sworn that the electrical attack seemed familiar. He just can't seem to remember where he's seen it before.

Not yet at least.

He's soon brought out his thoughts when his daughter spoke to him.

"Dad?" She asked.

"Yes, Via?" Stolas questioned in a caring tone.

"You didn't hurt him too bad, did you?" Octavia asked with sadness in her voice.

"Well... honestly, no. Even though I wanted to for making you cry, he's faster than I gave him credit for." Stolas admitted.

"What happened when you caught him? You still didn't hurt him did you?" Octavia asked, a little fearful of what happened to him, even though he upset her.

"Well, no. I just pinned him against the wall, but then he got so angry, and electrocuted me." Stolas explained honestly.

"Did he have a taser on him?" Octavia asked.

"That's the thing, he didn't. Somehow he exerted an electrical blast from his body, and it sent me flying against the wall." Her father explained.

Octavia became confused by what he just said.

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