Birds of a feather, keep Jessie FOREVER.

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If you understood the clue at the end of the previous chapter, you know where this is going.

Also a few things I need to point out in this chapter.

1.) Octavia is aged up, because Jessie was five when he first met, and she was seventeen at that time. So now she's 28. Which also makes Loona 33, and Millie 38. Loona's canon age is 22, and in "truth seekers" Millie said she's five years older than Loona, meaning that Millie's canon age is 27. I forgot to mention all of that before, but I forgot.

2.) Stolas, and Stella are still divorced. It hasn't been said clearly in episode seven, but it definitely implies that that they are.

3.) The chapter's title is inspired by unidentified562 chapter in his story, "A Killer's Love."

4.) The first part of this was inspired by a suggestion by @v5gbp29xsyprivaterel, but I made my own personal changes to it.


Back at IMP HQ...

No one's POV:

After the failed attempt to retrieve both the van, and Jessie, everyone regrouped back at the building. Mainly in the lobby of IMP.

Millie, and the succubi of Verosika's crew have been patched up for their injuries along with Loona. Meanwhile, Blitzo is fuming with anger as he paced back and forth around the lobby.

"Ok, someone explain to me as to what the fuck happened?!" He demanded in anger.

"I tried to get him to pull over, but he wouldn't listen. Then he flung me off the van." Millie said sadly.

"Did the van get damaged?" Blitzo questioned.

"Yes. I stabbed the roof of the van, and punched a hole in the windshield." Millie explained.

"I also shattered the passenger door window." Apple explained.

"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-" Blitzo was about to go off.

"You're not actually gonna fire me, are you?" Millie asked, her lip quivering, and eyes getting teary.

Well, more teary than they already were.

"*INHALES* *SIGHS* No, I won't fire you. But I'm docking your pay until further notice!" Blitzo said.

Millie sighs with relief.

"But YOU on the other!" Blitzo says, pointing an accusatory finger at Apple. "YOU are paying for a ne window to my van!" He says with anger.

"Now what the hell happened to that damn kid, and my van?!" Blitzo demanded.

"After kicking our asses, a giant demon bird grabbed the van in its talons, and took both him and the van." Coco explained, still mad at Jessie for hurting both her, and Apple.

"Giant demon bird? What do you-" Blitzo paused himself when he suddenly came to a realization.

"Oh... fffffffffffffuck me." Blitzo said, facepalming.

"Sir? What's the problem? Besides the obvious." Moxxie asked.

"I think I know who took him." Blitzo said with annoyance.

Suddenly, Loona walks into the room with a shocked face.

"Uh, guys?" She said.

"Yes, Loony?" Blitzo said.

"The book is gone." She says.

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