Catching Peace - Eight: Wild Light

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Chapter Eight:

Wild Light

"I've been so broke down,
Searching everywhere I've found,
Nothing but a bitter heart.
You shook it out sure like,
Shook a little gave shape to something,
I had thought had coal in the middle."

Dakota stared at her textbook that was rested neatly on her desk with her binder open to her last period's section. In the paper was sloppy written notes on the period of reconstruction in the United States and the laws and it's effect on modern day society. She stared at her notes before glancing up at her teacher, sitting at his desk with a smile on his face. Two girls were sitting in the front, debating over whether the laws were good or bad.

Dakota watched them go back and forth, like a ping pong game when her phone buzzed on her lap. She glanced down at her phone to see a small message from Enrique. She grinned softly and opened up the message, reading it.

Hey. - Enrique

Dakota bit her inner cheek to stop herself from laughing out loud and glanced back up at the teacher. Making sure he wasn't paying attention, she typed a message back to Enrique.

Hello there stranger. - Dakota

She put the phone back down on her lap and rested her head against her palm. The two girls continued to go back and forth until the teacher started to inject things into their conversations. They both got quiet until Natasha, a girl who had bright purple hair and an eccentric personality, started the heated debate right back. They went back and forth, Dakota taking down some important facts they brought up to memorize for her own debate when her phone buzzed again. She looked back down at her phone, reading the message.

Again with the stranger? I thought we established I wasn't? ;P - Enrique

Dakota bit her inner cheek again and quickly typed a reply.

We did but I like teasing you. - Dakota

She glanced up, watching the debate more when her phone buzzed again.

You are a cruel one, Dakota. - Enrique

Dakota snickered softly, glancing up quickly when the sound escaped her lips. She stared at the teacher, her eyes trained on him for a good minute or two until she glanced back down at her phone.

Yet you are still around. c; - Dakota

I can't help it, you are a beautiful darling. I can't stop being around you. - Enrique

Dakota ducked her head down so no one would see the redness forming on her cheeks. She heard a soft cough and she glanced up to see her teacher and her fellow classmates staring at her. She flushed in embarrassment and slowly slipped her phone away into her pocket. The teacher nodded to Dakota in silence before turning back to the class. Dakota was embarrassed that the teacher had caught her texting during the debate. Usually she would be so fixated on the match, she won't even utter a single word until class ended.


She was texting during class, all for a boy.

She continued to watch the debate until the last bell rang, all the while ignoring the buzz coming from her pocket, and everyone started to pack up and head out, chattering on what they were going to do for the rest of the day. Dakota was packing her binder into her bag when she felt a presence beside her. She glanced up to see a familiar face that made her groan internally and she closed her eyes. God help her now.

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