Catching Peace - Two: Heart Out

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Chapter Two
Heart Out

"Cause I remember that I like you,
No matter what I found.."
"It's just you and I tonight.
Why don't you figure my heart out?"

Dakota was walking towards her car, her earbuds dangling from her bag after school. She heard people scream out conversations and others running head on to catch the busses. She unlocked her pickup truck when she neared it, opening the driver door and threw her bag in the back. She sat in the seat and started the truck up.

Before she could even close the door, a girl slapped her hand against the truck side and smirked at Dakota.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Dakota smiled at her long time best friend, Sandra Bells; a brunette girl with dark skin and curves that any man would kill for. And that was proven when two guys beat up each other at a party to get a dance with her.

Dakota had met Sandra during the first week of their freshmen year of high school. Dakota was in the school library, earbuds in her ears while she had a cup of steaming hot coffee in her hand. Her head was leant back against the seat she was seated in, enjoying the quiet time she was able to snag for the first time. Sandra, who was starting out as a librarian assistant, had walked over to Dakota, annoyed over the fact she could hear her music from the desk in the front of the room. She yanked her earbuds and told her, blankly, to fuck off and listen to her music elsewhere.

They had stared at each other down, wanting to see who would back down first. Slowly two smiles appeared on their face and Sandra said thank you when Dakota had put her phone away along with her earbuds. Sandra had already gotten ready to leave but Dakota smiled again at her, asking her to sit with her.

Soon they found out they had classes with each other and became close friends, then bestest friends. To this day, they couldn't be separated, even by a boy.

"Work. Why?"

"Did you forget? Adam wanted to speak to you!" Sandra smirked at her knowingly, her eyebrows doing a little dance on her head as she watched panic fill her friend's face.

Adam. For fucked sakes, Dakota didn't even want to see Adam Steeler around her. She had tried every means to avoid him but he was stuck to her side like a thorn. All because she, Sandra and Andrew, Sandra's boyfriend, had gone to his game and Dakota had kissed his cheek in congrats.

Now, she got a stalker who thought a kiss on the cheek meant she loved him.

"Fuck. I can't! I have work! I'm not missing it for a guy who can't understand what no means!' Dakota groaned and shook her head. She watched atonished as Sandra nodded and stepped away. "What? No pesturing?"

"Nope. But you are taking me to your work!" Sandra laughed and quickly made a dash to the passenger seat. She hopped in and buckled herself up, laughing evilly when she caught the glare from Dakota. "Baby, you need me!"

"Not today. My work involves food and I know you will try to get some for free." Dakota teased, shaking her head. She tapped her steering wheel as she drove out of the student parking lot while Sandra laughed loudly.

She noticed from the corner of her eye however that Sandra was going through her C.D collection, clicking her tongue. "Why is it that everytime you are in my car, you look through my music and complain that I have no good music? This happens everytime, Sandra Dee. My music taste hasn't changed!"

"I know but I was hoping you would find something else better.." Sandra laughed and shook her head. She threw her bag in the back as well with Dakota's then glared at her. "Call me Sandra Dee and I'm going to rip your head off."

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