Catching Peace - Three: M.O.N.E.Y

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Chapter Three

"Drink slow to feed the nose.
You know he likes to get blown.
Has he got enough money to spend?"
"I can't believe that we're talking about him!"

Dakota stared at the people dancing around the party, her eyes skimming over the bodies of strangers and friends that lingered. She watched girls danced with friends or with boys who they believed would give them a chance. She could see red cups scattered all over the place, some full while others were crumbled and carted away like garbage. She could see girls stepping over them in their high top heels and mini-skirts.

Before Dakota and Sandra entered the party, Sandra had forced Dakota to change into something more party appropriate. So she traded in her jeans and t-shirt for shorts and a tank top that was low cut on the sides. Partially the sides of her boobs were flashed around, like it was a good thing.

And when she entered her pickup truck again with mounds of food, she was surprised that Enrique was still sitting there. His hands in her C.D drawer and, instead of calling her weird for having just weird taste in music, he actually said that some of the artists were his favorite. Like Elvis, Ejecta, Vampire Weekend, etc.

And that gave her a smile on her face until she had reached the party and everyone was separated upon stepping in.

She glanced behind her and could see a group of guys in leather jackets and some in combat boots, smoking or trying to reach a high. She rolled her eyes and slowly glanced around to catch a glimpse of Enrique.

He was leaning against the counter in the kitchen and his eyes were closed while his free hand was tapping against the counter. She studied him, watching the way his hair was brushing his cheek and the way he would open his eyes every time someone who pass by him, almost like he was alerted then close his eyes again. She watched him for a few minutes until he suddenly realized that someone was watching him. He opened his eyes and started to scan the area before his eyes connected with hers.

Dakota's eyes widened in shock before she quickly ducked her head away. She stared at the red cup in her hands, watching the liquid swirl around. She glanced up when she felt a presence beside her and, to her surprising, she wasn't that much shocked that Enrique was beside her. He gave her a smile and she gave him one back.

"What are you doing by yourself?" He asked, a small smile on his face and she chuckled softly.

"What you think? Enjoying this party by myself."

Enrique let out a laugh and he shook his head at her. "So no one has asked to dance with you?"

Dakota flushed in embarrassment as she thought about the rejections she gave to guys who had asked her to dance. But to be honest, she couldn't dance. All she could ever do is trip on her two feet and land face first on the ground, breaking her nose. "Yes, people have. But I said no. I don't dance."

He grew quiet, watching people pass by them and he glanced back down at her. He eyed her drink and grinned. "Alcohol?"

"No it's uh, tea." Dakota said with a small chuckle and she glanced up at him. He was staring at her with wide eyes before he started to laugh loudly.

"Why am I not surprised by this?" He asked, mostly to himself, and he shook his head. He glanced around before turning to her completely. "Want to head out of here? I would love to get some fresh air."

Dakota nodded slowly and watched him extend his hand to her. She smiled softly and took his hand, feeling a humming feeling in her as he walked in front of her. She studied his backside, trying to figure out what this feeling was. She had held guys hands before, no doubt about it but this was different. Before was just awkwardness, sweating and even awkward smiles in exchange. But this? This was different.

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