Catching Peace - One: Robbers

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Chapter One

"I'll give you one more time.
We'll give you one more fight.
Said one more line.
Will I know you?"

Dakota stared at the Help Wanted sign hanging on the store's front window, her insides jittering with nerves. She wanted desperately to turn back and run back home, call her parents and tell them they were right. They were always right.

That wasn't surprising.

She shook her head at those thoughts swirled around in her head. She pulled her bag strap more up on her shoulder, her nerves quickly disappearing as she thought of what was ahead of her. A new job was guaranteeing her a life away from home and every single fight her parents will have, she won't be around to step in the middle.

When she opened the door of the parlor, the cold air hit her like a breeze and she welcomed it happily. The cold was more tolerable than the hot air outside. She smiled as she noticed a lady behind the counter, humming and she walked towards her.

"Hi, I'm Dakota. I'm looking for Ms. Lopez. I talked to her last night about a job here?" Dakota said, her insides twisting with nerves.

The woman slowly turned around to face Dakota, smiling softly. Her gray hair was pulled into a tight ponytail, almost like a cheerleaders ponytail. She walked around the counter and held out her hand. "Hello Dakota! I'm Ms. Lopez. Nice to meet you! How are you doing today?"

"I'm good." Dakota said, smiling uneasy as she took the hand outstretched to her. It wasn't that she wasn't use to people being nice and cool with her. It was the fact she asked the one question, how was she doing?

If she didn't get this job, she'll be doing worse than bad. She'll be devestated.

"Good! So I looked over your resume and I found it amazing," Dakote breathed a sigh at this but caught her breath a bit when Ms. Lopez continued, "but I have another question."

Dakota gulped and slowly nodded as she watched her. "And that is?"

"How do you feel about working today?"

"I-I, I mean, uh. What?" Dakota said flabbergasted at this. She got the job and she hasn't been in the place for over ten minutes. "I mean I would love too work today!"

And not even in another ten minutes she was dressed in an black apron with the writing, 'Lopez Ice Cream Shop' and was behind the counter. She was nodding her head quickly as Ms. Lopez, who told Dakota to just call her by her first name; Nicolette; was listing off all of the rules, the icecreams and showing her how to clean the spoons, the counter and make a smoothie.

Then, her first customer walked in, in the form of a exgausted parents and a hyper already child. Dakota, who never had the paitence for parents who tried to quickly dismiss their child, actually made the parents laugh and smile at their child as she talked quickly to Dakota, almost like they were best friends since childhood.

When the next customer came after, she was left alone while Ms. Lopez went out with her icecream cart to patrol the boardwalk. And soon Dakota actually felt like she was home, at peace. She was actually happy for once in her life.

And when the clock struck three o clock, the most weirdest thing had happened. She in the back, her bag open in front of her as she munched on the cookie she had made before she came to the job when she heard the door bell jingle and the sound of something falling to the floor, like a board. Dakota snapped her head up, her cookie falling to the table as she stared at the enterance to the parlor.

A boy walked in slowly with a skateboard behind him, leaning against the small table that was inside. He glanced around worringly when he didnt see what he wanted to see and a small frown appeared on his face. He was tall, around six-foot-five with a black beanie on top of his head and brown hair poking out from the side. She watched the way his shirt glued to his body because of sweat, probably of his skating and the sun shining brightly at them.

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