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~Harry's POV~

I stood up and opened my arms, gesturing for a hug. Louis got up too and I hugged him tightly. He sighed and his breath hit the side of my neck, making me shiver. I let go and looked at him. I feel the urge to do it. I need to try...

"C-can I try something?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

My heart was now pounding so hard in my chest. Looking down at his lips, I leaned in slowly and hesitantly. I brought my hand up to his cheek and laid my forehead against his. His breath hitched and i was having trouble breathing. I closed my eyes and let my lips touch his. He wasn't kissing back but I felt butterflies in my stomach. I felt him push my chest with his hand but not rough. He shook his head.

"You're dating Eleanor." he looked at me confusedly.

"I...I'm sorry I-" I exited my room and quickly went outside.

What the fuck did I just do? I shouldn't have done that. Louis hates me now. He probably doesn't like me either. I don't fully regret it though. I really like him. I need to explain this to him. I was tugging on my curls as I paced in my backyard.

"Harry." I hear Louis say.

There was a hand on my back and I looked at Louis, dropping my hands from my hair.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"Do you like me?" he asked.

I sighed and looked down, nodding, "Yeah."

I had to look up and see his reaction. If there was rejection...then that's fine...

No it isn't.

"I-I like you too." his cheeks turn red and he chuckles.

"Wait, you do?" my eyes widen.

He nods, biting his lip.

"I didn't know you were bi." he chuckles a little.

It hurts to tell the truth, but I have to.

I shake my head, "I don't think I'm bi...I think I'm gay."

His eyes widened, "You don't like Eleanor?"

I shake my head. I can feel tears already but I hold them back and try not to be a baby.

"I never liked her."

"Then why are you dating her?"

I sighed and rubbed my face, "I grew up with a homophobic dad." I paused and made sure he understood.

"He said he would hit me if I turned out to be gay. I liked boys and I never knew what gay was until he explained it when I asked. I tried to be the son that he wanted to be. But then, he left and I thought it was because he knew I was gay."

Louis frowned and I looked down. I swallowed the burning feeling in my throat.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. It's mine. I actually was still trying to be the son he wanted." I shook my head, sighing.

It was silent and I was glad Robin wasn't home. Otherwise, he would've heard our conversation. My had my hands in my pockets and I just stared at the ground. I know Louis was staring at me because I can feel it.

"Louis, I want to be with you." I admit, walking the towards him and looking him in the eye.

He looks up at me and blushes, which makes me smile.

He smiles, "I want to be with you too.", then he frowns, "But I don't want to hurt Eleanor."

"Me neither. She can be annoying as a girlfriend but as a friend, she's pretty cool." I said and Louis laughs.

"What are we gonna do?" Louis asked.

"I don't know." I frown.


~Louis's POV~

I can't believe Harry likes me. Harry! The boy who was mean to me at first. But the sad thing is that if Eleanor finds out...she'll be crushed. We decided to let her come over to the house and tell her. This is the hardest thing I've ever done. When we all went to Harry's house after school, we were both nervous. I can tell Harry was because he kept biting his lip. We all just hung out like we regularly do and I kept freezing everytime we were about to tell her. I had to tell Eleanor to stay in the room while I talk to Harry in the livingroom. She was extremely confused.

"Should we just say it or just wait a little longer?" I asked nervously.

"I don't know. I'm so nervous." he said, groaning.

We calmed ourselves for a few more minutes and then walked inside. Eleanor was standing up and was holding something in her hands.

It was my letter.

"What is this? What is your mom talking about?" Eleanor asked and looked up at me, showing the letter to me.


She walked over to me and shoved the letter at my chest. Harry stepped forward and I stopped him.

"You're a prince?!" Eleanor asked angrily.

"No...I don't know what this is..."

"You're still lying to me." she scoffed.

I bit my lip and then opened my mouth when she spoke again.

"I can't believe you lied to me about this." she said and pushed past me, ignoring my calls for her name.


"We're screwed." Harry sighed and banged his head against the wall.

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