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~Louis's POV~

I furrowed my eyebrows as we headed towards an island filled with trees. All you can see was tree leaves and bushes. The man landed the plane on the beach area and then Robin got out. He opened the door for me when I was still looking around in confusion. The door sound snapped me out of my confusing thoughts and I stepped out of the helicopter.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around.

"You'll see. Follow me." Robin said.

I followed him through the forest and stopped when I saw an entrance hidden in the tree leafs. He took out a card and pressed it against some kind of scanner.

I almost jumped when something said, "Door opening."

The door slid up and Robin gestured for me to walk into the little room. I walked into the dark room and looked back at the door that was closing. When it was fully shut, the room lit up with squares. The outlining shining a white color enough for me to see Robin.

I turned around when I heard someone say, "Hello Prince Louis William Tomlinson. I'm Simon Cowell."

A man on a large screen appeared and smiled.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You are in the Prince Protection Program." Simon said.

"I've never heard of it." I said.

"No one knows about this program, until needed. Good work Robin." he said, looking at Robin who was behind me.

"Thank you." Robin said, smiling.

Right after Robin spoke, the door opened while saying, "Door opening. Security room."

"You're safe now." Robin said, leaving me alone with Simon who was on the screen.

"When will I get out of here?" I asked.

"Until you finish stage four." Simon said.

"What's stage one?" I asked.

"Protection. Robin was supposed to bring you here whenever you needed protection." Simon explained.

"What's stage two?" I asked.

"Come outside and I'll explain." Simon said before the screen disappeared and the door opened.

"Door opening."

I walked out of the little room and entered a whole new one that was filled with tellies. My eyes widened as I looked all around the room.

"Hello Prince Louis." a voice said, making my head snap towards the man.

He walked towards me and smiled.

"Welcome to the Prince Protection Program. Where we find a place that is safe for Princes all over the world." Simon said, gesturing all around the room.

"Follow me." he said, walking up onto a little round stage.

There was the biggest tellie straight ahead. It was huge! A prince popped up onto the screen and was in the middle of some kind of forest. He had brown hair that was up in a quiff and had brown eyes. He looked pretty cute if you ask me.

"This is Prince Josh. His kingdom is currently trying to get rid of some soldiers so we moved him to a place where he is safe." Simon explained.

I nodded as another prince popped onto the screen. He was wearing a coat was sitting. Snow was flying everywhere and everything was white all around them. He had blonde hair that was flipped to one side and had brown eyes also.

"And this is Prince Jake. Same situation as Josh." Simon explained.

"But he is freezing." I said as my eyes widened.

"Probably, but he is safe." Simon said.

The lit up screen changed to something else and Simon turned around.

"Now lets start with stage two." Simon said.

I followed him to the stairs and we walked down to a room filled with princes. My eyes widened as I looked around the room. Woah.

"How many princes are here?" I asked.

"Maybe hundreds." Simon said.

We walked towards a salon station and Simon said, "Stage two is haircut."

Simon then walked towards a dressing room where prince's were wearing pants and plain t-shirts. Prince's were always wearing something formal like suits or button ups.

"Now lets cut your hair." Simon said.


I looked into the mirror and looked at my new clothes and haircut. My hair was now down and swept to one side and had a messy look. I was wearing black skinny jeans and a regular plain white t-shirt. I smiled at the look because it wasn't bad. It looked casual. Like how I would look like if I weren't a prince.

"Prince Louis, you will be going to Robin's home since your mother said to take you to his house." I heard Simon say from behind me.

I turned around to see Robin out of his uniform and Simon who was standing right beside him. I nodded and followed Robin. We entered the small room and waited until it opened again.

His car was now in front of the little room. It was quite nice. It was a blue We got into his car and began to drive to his house.

"Ok, so there is a few things you should know now. I have a step son named Harry. He's is nice...sometimes. But don't worry, he'll warm up to you. You will have to go to school with Harry tomorrow so if someone asks who you are just say your Harry's friend since you and Harry don't really look alike." Robin explained.

I nodded. Hopefully I will remember his name.

"Can you tell me what was going on with that man at my castle?" I asked, turning towards him.

He sighed but nodded and said, "He wanted to be king and rule 'The Moon' but your parents refused. No one wanted him to become king. So he got jealous when he heard that you were going to become king." Robin said.

Honestly, I didn't want to become king. Apparently, every prince becomes king when they are about 18.

"He still got jealous." Robin said.

Prince Protection Program ~L.S~ (Book |)Where stories live. Discover now