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~Louis's POV~

I think about my family all the time. Even though they can be annoying, I still love them. I really miss them too. Waking up to an angry Harry is not part of my morning routine. I really don't get why he's like this. Like, what have I done to make you mad? I just shook the thoughts out of my head and continued to get ready for school. Harry was getting his clothes and put them on the bed and I just took my shirt off while walking to the bathroom. When I was done changing, I got out of the bathroom and got my books off of the window seat. I walked out of Harry's room and found him leaning against the wall once again.

"Oh Louis," Robin said.

He put down the spoon in his cereal bowl and picked up an empty school bag that was in a plastic back beside him. He then walked over to me and reached his hand with the black school bag out.

"I forgot you needed a school bag." Robin said.

I took it with a smile, "Thank you."

He nodded and I quickly put my books in the school bag before swinging it onto my shoulder. For some reason I didn't realize Harry still standing there. He turned around and opened the door and still didn't hold the door for me. But I was still able to hold it before it crushed me. I wanted to make conversation during our walk to the school. Last night's wasn't really good. I just want to know a few things about him. Because it's like I live with someone I don't really know.

"So, how long have you and Eleanor been together?" I asked and looked at Harry.

He had is hands in his pockets with his thumbs sticking out. His head was down and he didn't have any emotion on his face.

"Why do you need to know?" he asked and looked up with furrowed eyebrows.

"I was just wondering." I shrugged.

Harry didn't answer the question and I sighed. Instead he just stood silent for the rest of the walk. How come he doesn't want to talk to me? I didn't do anything wrong, did I?


I was a bit bumped out that Harry didn't want to talk to me that much. I don't like when people hate me. I wonder what I can do to make him talk to me. I thought about even more and I didn't realize a hand waving in front of me.

"Louis?" Eleanor's voice asked.

"Huh?" I asked, snapping out of my thoughts.

"I was trying to ask you something but you just sat there staring off into space." Eleanor chuckled, shaking her head

"Oh um sorry." I said, scratching the back of my head.

She nodded with a smile, "It's ok."

"You were saying?" I asked.

"Oh right. Um, do you want to come to Harry's football game? It'll be fun I promise."

I didn't have anything to do today, so why not? If he sees me, it'll be like I'm being nice to him because I came to his game.

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged and she smiled.

It was a little silent before I spoke.

"How long have you gone here?" I asked.

"This is my 4th year." she said.

I hummed and nodded.

"What school did you go to before here?" she asked, popping a fry into her mouth.

That question made me think about my family, again. Now that I think of being home schooled, my mum never told me why I was. Well, other than "because it's better than schools." I never believed her though. I just shrugged it off and continued to learn new things.

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