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~Louis's POV~

Every time I sleep next to Harry, I feel safe. And I have the best sleep ever. I woke up on top of him and I stifle a chuckle. I bury my head in his chest and he moves. He moves to his right and I slip and fall to the ground.

"Ow." I groan.

Harry gets up and looks on the floor.

"Did I push you?"

"No, the ghost that lives here did." I say sarcastically.

"Sorry." he chuckles and reaches out his hand.

Instead of taking it, I pull him down and tumbles onto the ground, taking the blanket with him. I laugh and he groans.

"Louis!" he groans.

I just laugh and he straddles me. He tickles me and I start to laugh even more. I try to get up but I was brought back down because his body. I reached out to tickle him but he pinned my arms down too. He grabbed both my arms with one hand and continued to tickle me.

"Ok H-Harry! S-Stop!" I laugh.

I squirmed to get him off and he kindly does. He sits beside me and just laughs. I sit up and pout.

"I hate being tinkled." I said.

"Why? You don't like laughing?" he asks.

"No, because I always lose. My sisters would all tickle me and I wouldn't be able to tickle them." I explain.

He hummed.

"I like tickling you because you're cute when you laugh." he admits, smiling at me.

I blush and he scoots closer to me.

"You're also cute when you blush."

I chuckle and he kisses me. We pull back when we heard the door open. It was my parents and also Robin came in.

"They wanted to talk to you." Robin said.

"Oh?" I look at my mum and dad.

"Yes, we wanted to ask if you actually were dating him and if you really like him." my dad says and points at Harry.

I look at Harry and smile at him. His green eyes lock with my blue ones and he gives me a dimpled smile.

"I love Harry actually." I said, honestly.

My mum smiles at Harry and Harry nods. My dad was surprised and Robin smiled at us.

"Love?" dad asks and rubs his chin.

I nod.

"Why didn't you tell us Louis?" he asked, dropping his hand that was rubbing his chin.

"Because...I didn't want to disappoint you. I was going to marry her, even if I didn't want to, for you and mum. Well, I was having second thoughts until I met Harry." I explain.

"You shouldn't do that." mum says, shaking her head.

"Yeah, this is who you are." the king shrugs.

"S-so, you're okay with it?" I asked, my eyes widening.

They look at eachother and smile. Then they nod. I smile at Harry and he does too.

"I never even liked that Taylor girl anyway." the king sighed.

We all laughed and then it died down.

"So, would you want to come home or live here?" my mum asked.

It's my choice?

"Living here is really fun..." I frown. "Is it ok if I visit a lot?"

They chuckle and my mum says, "Of course."

Harry pulls me closer with his hand on my waist and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Well, we better get going. We still have to get your sisters." my dad says.

I chuckle a bit, "Say hi to them for me."

They nod.

"Oh and the king's crowning will be the first day of next month." my mum reminds me.

I nod and then get up to hug them before they go.

"Come and hug me dear." my mum says to Harry.

He gets up and hesitantly hug my mum and then my dad.

"You seem like a really nice boy." he pays his back.

He smiles and nods, "Thanks. And don't worry about you're son. He's safe with me and Robin."

He nods and my mum smiles. He sits on the bed and I do too. They leave but Robin stays. He smiles at us.

"Just know that I'll always accept you for who you are." he said.

He turns to the door and puts his hand on the doorknob.

"Hey," Harry says, making Robin look at Harry, "thanks for helping, dad."

Robin looked shocked and then he smiled widely. It beats every smile he ever did. He leaves the room, closing the door behind him. I look at Harry's hand and hold it tightly, leaning my head on his shoulder. He leans his head on my head.

"So, tell me what happened when I blacked out." I said and look at Harry.

"How about, on our way to school?" he suggested.

I groaned, "I forgot we had school."


~Harry's POV~

"That all happened yesterday?" he asked with a shocked look on his face.

I laugh and nod, "Yeah. Crazy right?"

He nods and looks forward as we walk up to the doors of the school. We walked down the halls and decided to hang out with Eleanor, if she wanted to of course. She looked happy to see.

"Oh man, yesterday was scary!" she sighed and closed her locker.

I nodded and Louis frowned.

"Anyway, want to hang out with your real friends instead of the girls?" I changed the subject.

She nods, "Uh yeah. Those girls are boring. All they do it listen to me and nod and smile. They don't talk about their life. I'm the one that's talking."

Louis chuckles and I do too. I put my arm on Harry's waist and I put my other arm around Eleanor neck. We walk down the halls and I felt happy that Eleanor wasn't mad anymore. I can't wait for me and Louis to get even closer than we already are.

I'm planning on spending my life with Louis Tomlinson for the rest of my life.

I finally found my Prince and he found his.

~ Thank you so much for reading my book! It really means a lot! Tell me what you though about in the comments and vote:) Btw, this is only the beginning of new books I will be making;) Just be patient.


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