Chapter 2

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A couple hours into streaming, I'm chatting with my friend Tubbo, who lives in the UK.

"So, you said your friend was visiting you a couple weeks ago?" I ask

"Ya, he took a took a few weeks off, and visited me and Tommy"

"Thats sweet" I say.

"Ya, anywa-" he gets cut off when  suddenly all my power turned off. I grabbed my phone and texted my landlord.

Alison (landlord)
              Why did the power go out?
There was an issue
It should be fixed by tomorrow night
                                             Ok, thanks

I went on twitter using my data to inform everyone on the situation.

After that I texted Bri, but couldn't stay with her, 30 minutes later I ran out of options.

Unless, I could text, no, unless, well, ok fine.

Hey, so my power is out, can I crash at your place?

Oh yeah
Sorry to hear that
Its *address*
Ok tysm

I pack a small bag with some essentials, grab my keys, and head out. Why do I feel do nervous, I'm just using his couch, its no big deal.

I pull up to the house, this is it.
I walk up to it, and he's waiting outside. "Hey, thank you so much, your a life saver right now"

He smiles at me "no problem, stay as long as you need" his smile is sincere.

"Oh um, y/n, are you hungry" He asks.

"Come to think of it, I never ate lunch", I pull out my phone to see its 513pm "oh shit, its already after five".

He chuckles a little, "yes it is".

We dicide on getting take out from taco bell, on the way there we found out we have simular taste in music.

-time skip to driving back-

"So y/n, do you know how long your power is out?"

"My landlord said tomorrow night"

"Ok, thats good"


We get back to his place, and dig in. After that we dicide to watch a movie.
"So, what do you want to watch?" He turns on the tv.

"I dont know" I say as he goes trough movies "wait, go back"

"Scary Movie?" He questioned looking back at me.

"Yes, I love that one, its a spoof of Scream, and I Know What You Did Last Summer"

(A/N if you haven't seen Scary movie, watch it, its hilarious, and I love it!)

"Alright, if you say so"

After the movie he goes to his room to get changed. I grab my bag and then I relized I dont have anything to sleep in, normally I would have a hoodie, but I was in a rush.


He came out of his room in a baggy Tshirt, and sweats. He looked at me "whats up?"

"So I'm stupid... can I borrow a hoodie to sleep in, I completely forgot to grab one"

"Oh ya sure, one sec" he goes to his room, and comes back with a black hoodie.
"Here" he tosses it at me.

"Thanks, uh, where's the bathroom?"

"Oh ya, sorry, that door there" he points to the door.

"Thanks" I say as I walk in and close the door. I do my business, and throw on the hoodie, its a bit big, but its extremely soft, and comfy.

I sit down on the couch and plug in my phone. How did I remember a charger, but not a hoodie, oh well.

"I'm going to bed now, goodnight" He says

"Night" I get comfy on the couch and slowly drift off to sleep.

-Ranboo POV-
I tell y/n goodnight and go to bed. But I cant sleep. She looked so cute in that hoodie, wait no. She just sees me as a friend. I can't fall for her.
And yet, as I fall asleep, I cant help but think of her.

I suddenly wake up to y/n scream. I get up and go check on her. Her arms were holding her knees to her face, she had teers streaming down her cheaks.

"Are you ok?" She jumps a little, I guess I startled her.

"Ye-yeah, s-sorry" She barely managed to choke out. I walk over to her and sit down on the counch.

Can I Crash Here? (Ranboo X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now