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After stream we do a game night to spend time together.

Luckily we were able to enjoy our time together without my mom harassing us.

When I say uno was intense, I mean uno was INTENSE.

First to go was Trinity, after time passed it got down to just Jessie and Bri.

Twas a fight between 2nd to last, and loosing, it was all light hearted until Delilah placed a bet that the looser had to buy everyone the snack of their choice.

Stupidly we all agreed with the hooe of free food.

"Uno bitch! I fuckin win" Jessie jumps up triumphantly

"Alright, who wants to come with me to the gas station" Bri asks standing up, putting the cards in the box.

"I'll come" Kenzie says standing up.

"Same here" Trinity says grabbing her hoodie, following them out the door, after everyone requested their snacks.

"Now what?" Tubbo asks sitting forwards on the couch.

"Monopoly!" Delilah yells standing up.

"Okay, chill" Ranboo says "do you want regular monopoly, or Dog-Opoly?" He asks.

"Dog, obviously" Kaden speaks up.

The only problem was that there was 6 peices and 7 of us, so Tubbo was just banker instead of playing.

Time skip to an hour later.

"Kaden, I'll give you my Labrador for your German Shepherd" Jessie says leaning forwards.

"Thats a good deal" Delilah says.

"That is a good deal" Tubbo agreed.

The other three weren't back yet, because they decided to go to Walmart, and play tag.

"Alright fine" Kaden says handing over the German Shepherd.

"Derik, your turn" Ethan reminds, handing him the dice.

"Eight" he says moving the peice over.

"Chihuahua, last one for sale, $90 do you want to buy it?" Tubbo asks.

"Yeah, dont forget my money for passing go" Derik reminds.

I roll the dice.

"One... Two... Three... Four...  Ha, free parking, take that bitch" I say grabbing the cash from the middle of the bored.

Monopoly was one of the games I was better at.

"Thats the 4th time today" Ranboo says.

"Surely your cheeting" Ethan accused me.

"No, no, I counted four" Tubbo backs me up.

"Bullshit" Delilah jokes.

We countinue the game until eventually I win. By a lot.

We finish the night by enjoying our free food with the entire group of 10, and watching a movie.

Specifically Tim Burtons The Nightmare Before Christmas.

(Let me settle the debate right now, it was released in theatures October, and thus it is a Halloween movie, not Christmas)

After that we all make our way to our rooms, and go to sleep.

Can I Crash Here? (Ranboo X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now