chapter twenty nine

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"how" I heard both of them say at the same time.

The situation I was in right now I didn't know how to act or what to say, xavier and zayn kept staring at each other.

The expression on Zayn's face was unreadable. The tears on his eyes were threatening to fall off any moment from now.

I turned to look at xavier at that moment I realized I knew nothing about him

Xavier was broken.


Zayn was confused.

"Xavier" I whispered trying to take a hold of his hands but he backed away before I could.

"Limah Lock the door" Xavier said with a blank look on his face.

"But" I tried saying he cut me off quickly

"If you don't lock that door right now"

"I'm leaving and never coming back" he added looking at me dead serious in the eyes.

I didn't know why but I didn't want to lock the door, Zayn was out there confused and alone.

I was intterupted from my thoughts when I heard Zayn calling my name.

"Limah what's going on" Zayn asked looking at me.

"Limah" I heard xavier say from behind me.

"If you don't lock that door right now"

But was intterupted by Zayn himself.

"Xavier" Zayn said slowly,

"Don't you dare say my name" xavier replied with  venom dripping from each words.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared.

"I need an explanation for this"

"How are you still alive" Zayn continued ignoring xavier deadly gaze

"I don't owe you any explanation" xavier said to zayn.

"Limah" Zayn said this time looking at me

"Please explain to me was going on" Zayn said in a pleading tone.

I turned to xavier for help, but he didn't even spare me a glance.

"Zayn" I said slowly

"This is Xavier's ghost" I said to Zayn the words I was still finding hard to believe in.

"No no no no no" I heard Zayn saying.

"Ghost don't exist" Zayn added looking more confused than ever.

"This is a prank right" Zayn mumbled looking at me.

"You doing this make me feel worse, I thought you said I could confined in you" Zayn added looking at me with a pained expression.

"Seriously Zayn you think this is a prank"

"How can I bring a dead person back to life" I added.

"But how can I see him" Zayn asked again.

"I also don't know" I said honestly.

I turned to look at xavier, but he was also confused.

"I need to go" I heard xavier say.

Before I could process his words, Zayn  walked passed me so fast, and quickly grabbed a hold on xavier hands.

"No" I heard xavier gasped.

"Limah I can feel his touch too"xavier whispered looking so shocked.

Xavier immediately removed his hands from Zayn's and disappeared

Falling for Xavier  (ON GOING) -Unedited-Where stories live. Discover now