chapter two

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It's been a week, Since we moved to our new home, and I would be starting a new school today i'm kind of nervous about that.

The change of environment and everything, and the creepy noises and strange voices isn't helping matters.

Yesterday I slept with my window locked
Only to wake up to meet the window wide open this morning.

A Day before yesterday I slept with a book on my chest and with my glasses on, but I woke up this morning to see the book on top of the shelf close to my bedside with my glasses beside it.

Ok I didn't panicked at first, because I thought my dad must have been the one who did it.

But when I asked him, he said he didn't even come to my room that night. That I must be the one who did it myself.

That I'm worrying over nothing.

I'm always having that feeling of being watched, And when I told my dad about it again he told me to stop being silly.

They aren't such things as ghost he would always say.

The alarm clock woke me up from my deep thought.

"Limah come downstairs for breakfast".

I heard my dad shouting from the kitchen

"Coming dad" i yelled back.

I quickly ran to the bathroom and brush my teeth I took a good look at my self in the mirror I love my hair I said out loudly.

"Me too" I heard someone whisper that's strange I thought to myself.

When I turned around I didn't see anyone

"Who's there" I called out but didn't get any reply maybe is all in my head.

Maybe my dad was right.

I need to stop watching horror movies I said to myself, while leaving the room it's really getting to me.

"Good morning Dad" I greeted, when I got to the kitchen.

"Good morning babygirl", my dad replied.

"Eat up"

"You are supposed to leave for school before 8"

"You don't want to be late on your first day of school" he added while shoving a full spoon of bacon into his mouth.

"Of course not" I replied while sighing slightly.

After i was done with eating I went back to my room took a quick shower and dressed up.

Quick showers aren't really my thing, I could spend hours in the bathroom but with what happened just now, I don't think I would be having long showers anymore.

Taking one last glance at the mirror I made sure my glasses were In place yeah I do wear glasses.

I don't mind being called a nerd.

Taking a look at the Justin Bieber poster on my wall.

"wish me luck on my first day of school" I said to him blowing him a quick kiss while exiting my room.

Hey guys here is another chapter hope you enjoying the story so far.

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Stay safe ❤️

Xoxo mus

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