Chapter 5

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(Dipper pov)

I slowly wake up rubbing my eyes tiredly and see I'm on a bus. "You okay, Pinetree?" Looking next to me I see Bill is sitting there. So it wasn't just a dream. He really did rescue me from that place.

I look back out the window seeing nothing but pinetrees for miles and miles. It looks like the pinetrees just go on forever. "Where are we?"

"Oregon. We should be getting to Gravity Falls anytime now. You have any ideas on how to find your family once we're there?"

"I figured we could just ask around. Mable said our great uncles' names were Stan and Ford. Someone has to know where they live."

"Okay." He puts his hand on mine. I gently pull my hand away, hugging my knees to my chest as I look out the window. "Are you still mad about me getting you stuck in there? I have said I'm sorry over a dozen times by now."

"I know. And I know you had good reasons for what you did. But you have no idea what it was like in there for me. Everyone else had hopes of getting better and going back to their families, I never had that hope. Everyone assumed that there was something wrong with me. Whenever I was defending myself they would write it up as me just being a manipulative liar simply because my test said I was insane. For 7 years they have been drugging me and giving me pills that I didn't need. The first few years they even had me go through electroshock therapy, thought it would make me more complicit. But then it got outlawed so they had to find other methods."

"I am sorry, Dipper. When I saw what your uncle was doing to you I couldn't just let it continue."

"I know and I understand that. But I'm just going to need some time before I am myself again."

The bus stops and I see we're in some small town. There is a big water tower that says Gravity Falls on it. There aren't any businesses that I recognize. These all seem to just be local businesses. "Looks like we're here."

We stand up getting off the bus, being the only people that were getting off at this stop. The bus pulls away as I look around the town trying to figure out where to start. "Hm....let's try there." I point to a diner that said Greasy's Diner.

We head into it and it's packed. In the back I see a woman with a lazy eye hitting a pie machine. Bill and I go up to the counter and a young waitress turns to us holding a coffee pot in one hand. "Anything I can get you boys?"

"Actually I'm supposed to meet my family here but I'm new and don't exactly know my way around."

"Well where were you supposed to meet them?"

"Um....I had it written down." I pretend to search my pockets. I don't like lying like this but it's easier then explaining the full situation. "Crap I must have lost it. But I know they live in town somewhere. My great uncles' names are Stanford and Stanley Pines."

"You're related to the Pines? Why didn't you just say so. Everyone knows where they live." Setting down the coffee pot she takes out a map handing it to me. I unfold it seeing it's just one of those cheap tourist maps. "The Pines run the Mystery Shack. It's a bit out of town but you just follow the signs and you'll find it no problem."


We exit the diner as I look at the map, Bill looking over my shoulder. "So according to this, it looks like there is a path right to the Myster Shack. Although it's going to take us a while of walking to get there."

"This is a pain."

"I know but it's not like I have anywhere else to go."

"What about your parents though?"

"They left me in that place and they're all the way back in California. You said you would help me."

"I know but-"

"Then why do you just want to bail already? We haven't even started looking yet." I fold up the map as I look at Bill. I notice that he keeps looking around nervously and fidgeting with his sleeve.

"I don't have a good reputation around this area."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Look I will explain on the way. Let's just get going." He grabs my arm pulling me through town and onto an old dirt path, signs pointing in the direction of the Mystery Shack.

I try to make Bill let go of my arm but he just holds on tighter. "Bill, can you let go." He doesn't seem to hear me. I stop walking and he pulls my arm hard. "Ow! Bill stop please!"

"What is it?" He snaps at me, his eyes glaring at me.

".....y-you're hurting me...."

He lets go putting his hands in his hoodie pockets instead. I rub my arm as we walk in silence for a long time.

"What's gotten into you all of a sudden?"

"I don't have a good history around here."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

He sighs slightly. "A few years ago I tried to take over the world and destroy this town. But your family stopped me. Weakened me in the process. I haven't been back to this place since that happened. I was only able to leave because some stupid stoner broke part of my statue and carried the broken part as a souvenir when he went out of state to California. That was around the time you were like 10. I saw what your uncle was doing you and then a few years later I screwed with your test so he couldn't keep doing it."

"Why did you try to take over the world anyway?"

"I just wanted to. I was bored."

"Are you going to try and do it again?"

"Hell no. It was a hassle the first time and being back here after all these years my powers still aren't what they used to be. Trust me, I used to be able to just appear and teleport wherever I wanted to. Now I have to use the meatsacks way of transportation."


"It's what I used to call humans."

"But you look human."

"I use this form because it was easier to trick people with it and after a while I just got used to it."

"Can I see the statue?"

"Sure. It should be just through this way." Taking my hand he leads me off the pather and through the rougher parts of the forest until we come to a clearing where partially sunken in the dirt was a stone statue of him dressed all formal like including a cane and top hat.

"Why does it look like the statue has an eyepatch?"

"I used to wear one. My original demon form only had one eye so using two eyes would sometimes give me a headache."

"Does it still give you one?"

"No, not anymore." The statue's hand is extended like it's waiting for a handshake and I notice that a thumb on the statue's hand is missing.

"Why is the hand extended like that?"

"If someone shook my statue's hand then it would have let me out freely. But the dumbass stoner just broke my thumb off by mistake. So it took a lot longer for me to fully leave the statue then I wanted."

"So it's just a normal statue now?"

"Yeah. Just a useless piece of rock. We should get going."

We both go back to the path and walk in silence but it's a good silence. He holds my hand, a silent agreement from the both of us to each other. A silent promise to always trust and rely on the other.

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