Chapter 8

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(Dipper pov)

I follow Bill back downstairs to the gift shop seeing Stan talking to Mabel. "There you two are. Mabel, these are the two new guys who will be working and staying here in the meantime."

Mabel looks at us and I see her eyes widen once she sees me. Before she can say anything Bill steps forward offering her a handshake. "Hi. I'm Bill and this is my friend Tyrone."

She hesitantly shakes his hand. "I'm Mabel. The gift shop is right this way."

She leads us to the gift shop. "Bill, you can work on sweeping and restocking while I show Tyrone here how to work the register." She hands Bill a box of crappy looking souvenirs. He walks behind a shelf. Mabel makes sure Stan is out of earshot before she turns to me. "What the hell, Dipper! What part of wait a few days did you not understand?"

"It wasn't my idea. Stan found us sleeping in his car. Bill lied telling him we got off at the wrong stop. He told us we can stay here as long as we want as long as we work here."

"Why lie about your name?"

"I thought if he knew who I was then he would turn me in."

"What about that Bill guy? He escape from the asylum with you?"

"No. I met him after I got out. He helped me find you."

"And does he know about you?"

"He knows that I have been in that place for 7 years and he also knows that in all those years I never once showed violent behavior. He knows that the test is wrong. And unlike you he knows I'm not crazy."


"Don't Dipper me. I thought you believed in me and had my back." I walk over to the register. "And I already know how a damn cash register works."

".....I'm going to clean some stuff outside...." She mutters before going outside.

I sit on a stool behind the counter, putting my head in my hands as I let out an exasperated sigh. "Well that could have probably gone better."

Glancing up I see Bill set the box down and pick up a broom as he starts sweeping the floors. "Sarcasm is not needed. And how long were you listening?"

"The whole time and I wasn't trying to listen to your sibling squabble. It's a small room so sound echoes more then it would in a full room."

"One stupid ass test ruins my whole life."

"So what do you know about this place?"

"Nothing really, our parents never let us come here before since it was a long way from their house. I remember one year when I was like 9 and a half, I got sent some weird toy that broke the minute I touched it. Really cheap like."

"I mean everything here is super cheap." He picks up a bowl of broken glass shards. "The sign claims that these are crystals. He is selling broken glass for $10 a piece and trying to tell people it's crystal."

"I think I heard my mom say that he has warrants for him all over the country."

"For what?"

"Scams. Apparently he tried to be a business man back in the mid to late 70's. None of them really worked out."

"What kind of things did he try selling?"

" was this blue towel that was supposed to get rid of stains. The cheap dye he used just stained worse. And another was this bandage that left horrible rashes on anyone that even touched it."

"Yikes. How did he end up in this small town then?"

"I don't know. My parents didn't really talk about him that much. And then I got locked in the nut house. Why didn't you talk to me for years while I was there?"

"I tried. But your brain was either too fried for me to get a solid connection or you had drugs in your system that made it even harder. It wasn't until you started faking the meds that I could."

"Then why did you suddenly decide to break me out?"

"When I couldn't get a connection to your dreams again I figured something bad had happened. And I was right."

He walks around the counter, surprising me with a kiss on the cheek.

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