Chapter 6

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(Dipper pov)

We finally get to the Mystery Shack. It looks really run down and there's only two cars in the parking lot. I would guess that it closed to the day. The place is big enough to be a house. "Do you think they are still here?"

"You won't know until you knock on the door."

He pulls me to the front porch and gives me a gentle push forward towards the door. Swallowing down the lump that formed in my throat I slowly reach out and knock on the door. Looking behind me I see that Bill is gone.

"One minute!" I hear Mabel's voice on the other side of the door and a few moments later the door opens. She is shocked before she steps onto the front porch quietly shutting the door behind her. "What are you doing here? How did you even get here? "

"They let me out finally."

"Dipper. I saw the news. They said a riot happened."

"Okay so a riot did happen and I managed to escape during the chaos. But Mable, you know me. I didn't hurt anyone and I didn't cause it. I just took advantage of it to get out." She nervously glances back at the shack. "I....I was hoping that I could stay here....I don't have anywhere to go."

"Dipper, I would love for that. But...."

"But what? You said you would help me out of that place no matter what."

"I know and I would love for you to stay here. But Ford is a man of science and he trust the test. Stan would be willing to let you stay no matter what, I know that, but the problem is that the property belongs to Ford. So he has final say in everything."

"But I found letters that the doctor confiscated. They had Ford's name on them."

"Did you open any of them?"

"No, I didn't get the chance to. I just saw the envelopes."

"Stan wrote those. He for a while used Ford's name so a lot of the letters he wrote he had them listed as being from Stanford. But there was a few he gave me without a return address written. So those ones I wrote his actual name, Stanley because I thought it would be better if you knew his actual name."

"So.....he doesn't want me around....."

"Look, just give me a few days to try and convince him to let you stay."

"Days? Mable I have nowhere to go. I have no money. Where am I supposed to go for a few days?"

She reaches into the pocket of her skirt and pulls out a handful of crumpled of paper bills, putting them in my hand. "I know it isn't a lot, but it should be enough to get food for tonight at least. Maybe you can ask someone in town to let you stay with them for the night."

"You really think someone is just going to let a random boy stay with them for a few days?"

"They will if you tell them you're a Pines or that you're lost. The people in town are really nice if you give them a chance."

"Mabel! I can't find the remote to the tv!" I hear an old man yell from inside.

"I am really sorry, Dipper, but I have to go." She heads back inside as I slowly back off the porch.

I straighten out the money she gave me, it only being about $10. Not enough for any proper meal. "Guessing it didn't go well." I look up seeing Bill carrying snacks and drinks in his arms.

"Where were you? You just left me alone up there. And where did you get that stuff."

"The vending machines in the back are broke so I managed to easily get some stuff for us there. And I thought you would want to talk to your sister alone."

"Well it didn't work out. Ford believes the test so he thinks I am insane just like those doctors. I am officially homeless."

"We'll figure something out. We should probably find a place to stay soon though, it's going to rain soon."

"It took us hours to walk here. By the time we get to town it'll be pouring. We don't even have enough money for a proper meal or a place to stay for the night."

He walks over to an old red car, the license plate saying 'StnlyMbl.' He puts his hand on it, it glowing blue. It stops and he takes his hand off the car opening the driver's door. "After you." I get in the driver's seat. He walks around getting into the passenger seat. He hands me a can of pop. "It isn't really a proper meal and this is no fancy hotel, but it's better then nothing."

Looking at the pop I see it says 'Pit-Cola'. "What kind of pop is this?"

"This town has odd choices in drinks and foods. Better not to question it."

I open the pop taking a sip of it just as the rain starts. "....this isn't how things were supposed to go."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean this was going to be the start of me getting my life back. I was going to have a good evening with my family, good food and a real bed for the first time since I was 12. I was going to have my family back. Instead here I am sitting in someone's car drinking weird tasting pop and eating junk food with questionable names."

"......this isn't going to be forever. You are going to get your life back. You know that."

"How long are you going to stick around? Will you leave the minute things finally settle down for me?"

"No, I stuck around with you this long I'm not going away anytime soon."

"Then how long until you leave."

"Forever. You can't get rid of me, even if you had tried."

"You really going to stay? No matter what?"

"No matter what. That's a promise. And you know I keep my promises." He snaps his fingers and the radio turns on. He fiddles with the knob before turning it back off. "Christ this place even has sucky music taste."

I smile slightly as I take a drink of the soda before putting it in the cup holder making a disgusted face. "Blech. That is a lot of cherry for one drink."

"The chips are halway decent at least."

I open the chip bag he gave me and start snacking on them. "So, if you're a demon do you have to eat?"

"No but people get weirded out if I don't eat. And it makes me feel human sometimes."

"Do you ever wish you were human?"

"I don't know. I used to think all humans were the same. Meaningless meatsacks that were the lowest of the low. But now you started to change my mind about that." I yawn as I rub my eyes. He reaches over patting my shoulder. "Get some rest, we have a long day tomorrow."

I curl up in the seat as I let sleep take me, feeling his fingers caressing my cheek one last time.

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