Chapter 11

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(Dipper pov)

Stan looks over at us as he and I'm guessing Ford enter the room and I'm guessing he sees the blood on my shirt just like Bill had. "What the hell did you dumbasses do?"

"I ran into a tree."

"Why would you do something like that?"

"It's not like I had wanted to run into the tree."

"He should be fine as long as he keeps the ice pack over it." Bill says as he stands up and helps me up. "Lets get you changed." Keeping his arm around me he takes me upstairs to our shared room. He takes off his hoodie leaving him in his yellow shirt and jeans.

"Bill, I don't have any other clothes."

"That's what you think." He pulls open a drawer on the dresser, fresh clothes being in there. "I had Mable pick up some clothes in town for us. She had to guess on what we would even like." He tosses me a shirt.

I take my shirt off and pull on the clean one. He goes to grab his hoodie but I grab his wrist stopping him. My fingers slowly trace the tattos covering both his arms. "Why do you have these?"

"I don't know. When I got a human body, they were just there."

"Your hand is shaking."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is. Talk to me, Bill. What's going on?"

".......why do you like me? You know what I am, that I'm not human. I made you get locked up in that asylum for 7 years, I tried to take over the world and tried to kill so many people just to do it, my stupid statue broke your nose-"

"Bill. I don't care about any of that. You were trying to protect me. And what you did before isn't who you are anymore. And it was my own fault for not watching where I was even going. You never cared about any of this stuff before, why is it bothering you now?"

"You saw how Ford looked at us. He knows that I am no fucking good for you."

"He doesn't know you and he doesn't know me. Stop giving me bullshit answers like this. Just tell me what is this about."

"You deserve someone so much stronger then me, someone who isn't just some ugly, horrendous, awful monster. You deserve someone who is good and can take care of you. I can't. I mean, your first night out of that place I had you sleeping in a fucking car with awful tasting food!"

I pull him over to the bed and we both sit on it. I pull him into a gentle hug as he rest his head on my shoulder tears spilling from his eyes. One of his hands clench my shirt and the other holds onto my arm. It kills me to see him like this. I feel tears in my own eyes seeing the state he's in.

"You gave me my life back. I will never be able to thank you enough for that. When you got me out of that place, you could have just left me by that tree. But you didn't, instead you carried me on your back the the bus and we rode here together. You helped me find my family and you are the one who convinced Stan to let us stay here. I am not perfect like you think I am. I'm not some saint, and you are not some awful ugly horrendous monster. You are one of my best friends, one of the only two people I can never live without. You are the love of my life, Bill."


"No buts. Even if the whole world got obliterated today, it would be just me and you." I gently wipe his tears away.

"Just me and you." He quietly mumbles.

I gently start tracing the tattos on his arm again. "You know, I've been thinking about maybe getting a tattoo." He just scoffs slightly. "What? You don't think I would look cool with one?"

"No, you would totally rock one. But you hate needles."

"I still think having one would be really cool." I gently kiss his remaining tears away, making him smile a bit and I catch a blush on his cheeks.

"Come on, they will start to wonder what we're up to if we don't head back down there." He stands up taking my hand and leads me downstairs.

He joins Stan and Mable in the living room watching a show about a duck being a detective in London. It seems really weird and far fetched. This whole town has really weird in everything. Weird tasting food and weird shows.

I look over at Ford in the dining room playing chess all by himself. I stand in the doorway calculating the moves in my head.

"Checkmate in 5."

"What?" He looks up to see me standing there.

"You have checkmate in 5 moves."

"How could you possibly know that?"

"I calculated the math and the probability of the next moves you will make. So it is highly likely you will be checkmated by yourself in 5 moves."

"No. That can't possibly be right."

"It is. I am positive that I am right."

"Then come here and show me."

I sit across from him biting the inside of my cheek before I make each move, and I do checkmate him in 5 moves just like I had told him. "Checkmate."

"Well I'll be damned......How did you calculate that all in your head? You play this before?"

"Yeah but only against myself." I start to reset the board.

"No siblings to play against? Your parents never would play?"

"My parents worked a lot when I was a kid, left me and my older sister with a lot of babysitter's."

"Why didn't your sister ever play then?"

"She tried a few times. But she didn't fully understand the rules and she kept stealing the knights. She liked to make them into dolls." That makes him chuckle lightly.

"How long has it been since you've seen your family?"

I shrug. "I don't know, a few years I guess."

"I don't mean to pry, but did your parents ever hurt you?"


"I'm just asking because you are what, 18?"


"That is still really young to be on your own. Especially since according to Stan, you and Bill just got on a bus with no destination in mind. Where were you two staying before coming here?"

"There was a homeless shelter we were staying in. But because of overcrowding and budget cuts we got kicked out. Got on a bus and just rode it as far as we could."

"Did his parents ever hurt him?"

"I don't know. He never talks about them."

"How did you two meet?"

"We had similar interest and met a few years ago. We got closer and ended up getting on that bus together."

"Mabel I swear to fucking god give it the fuck back right now!"

"My camera so all photos are my property!"

"You fucking bitch! Just give it here right now and stop fucking taking pictures of everything!"

"Over my dead body!"

Sighing I stand up going to the living room seeing Mable and Bill both fighting and trying to rip a picture out of the other one's hands. Stan just sits in his easy chair trying to watch tv.

I grab the picture from both of them. "Enough, you two." I gently smack both of them on the head. "You are both acting like children."

"Yeah yeah." Bill mumbles.

The show on tv gets interuppted as a news broadcast comes on. "Dozens of inmates still are unaccounted for after the riot at the Californian Mental Institution 3 months ago. Local authorities are told to keep a special eye out for on in particular, Dipper Pines, who unlock the other inmates had tested insane when he was 12 and had been locked up ever since for everyone's safety including his own."

Everything stops and my eyes widen in horror as the news broadcast displays my face on the screen.

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