Chapter 13

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(Dipper pov)

I wake up in the back of the police car, my eyes and throat huring from screaming and crying so much when that asshole of a policeman grabbed me and shoved me in the back of this fucking car. These handcuffs feel like they're cutting off the circulation in my wrists. The car stops and I fume in anger knowing exactly where I am again.

The car door opens and two orderlies grab my arms forcing me out of the car, Dr. Shitface standing there with a smug ass smirk on his face. "It is nice to see you back where you belong, Mason."

Angrily I spit in his face as the orderlies pull me back into the asylum, kicking and yelling. "I hate you! You fucking asshole! I hope that you fucking burn in hell!"

They take me to a room taking the handcuffs off of me and forcibly spray me down with a high pressured hose. The water pressure is so high that it makes me yell out in pain, the water stinging my skin.

They throw the same white itchy clothes at my feet. "Put it on." One of them says as the other leaves the room.

"No. I am not wearing those clothes anymore so go screw yourself." He forcfully grabs me injecting something into my neck as I kick and struggle. "Get the fuck off of me you piece of fucking shit!"

The more I struggle, the heavier my limbs feel until darkness overtakes everything.


I look around the darkness, all comfort that I had previously felt is gone. It's so cold that I can actually see my breathe. I hug my arms to myself, shivering as I look for any sign of Bill.

"Bill? Bill, where are you? Bill!"

I turn around in a full circle looking for him but he's nowhere around. He has just abandoned me, just like everyone else in my life.

"You.....y-you fucking bastard......" My voice breaks as tears fall down my cheeks. I sink to my knees, my hands falling to the cold ground that I know isn't really there. "You promised....y-you fucking promised! You promised that you wouldn't ever leave me! That it was just us against the world! But you just left me, just like everyone else on this pathetic excuse of a planet! You broke your fucking promise! How could you just fucking leave me alone like this?!"

"I never left you, my dear Pinetree....." Feeling a hand on my cheek I look up and see Bill standing there. The sight of him again sends more tears down my cheeks. I try to touch his hand but he glitches like a broken video game.

"What....w-what's wrong.....what is going on?"

"It's the drugs in your system. They are making it hard for me to be here. Look, I need you to just hold on for me. I am coming for you."

"I can't. This place is so horrible. I can't just wait here forever. I can't live like this anymore." He kneels down to my height, both his hands holding my face and wipe my tears away.

"I can't possibly imagine the horror you've gone through and I know that you can't stand to live with the horrors. But I know where you are and am currently on my way to you. Just give me a day. One day to get to you. Please, Dipper, please."

"......24 hours....I-I will give you 24 hours to find me.....but after that I can't make any promises about what I'll do to myself."

"24 hours is all I need. You'll see. We'll be together once again before you know it."


I wake up and with horror see that I am back in these stupid fucking itchy clothes and that they put me back into the quiet room. Instead of being in a straight jacket they have me in these clear plastic handcuffs.

Hearing the door open I scoot back into the corner and hug my knees tightly to my chest as Annie comes into the room, the door closing behind her. In her hands is a bowl with a spoon in it.

She starts to walk towards me. "Don't come near me....g-go away!"

She sets the bowl near me before backing up and taking a seat on the ground. "I thought you could use a friend right now."

I reach over to the bowl pulling it over to me noticing that it's cold. Looking into the bowl I see why. " cream?"

"Whenever I had a really bad day, ice cream always made it all better for me. I wasn't sure what kind you would like so I just got you vanilla. If you don't like it, I can see if the kitchen has something else."

"No, it's okay." Putting the bowl in my lap I start eating it, licking the ice cream off the spoon.

"So....when was the last time you had ice cream?"

"Since I was 10 or 11 maybe."

"Where did you go when you were out? The other nurses thought you would have just gone back to your parents house and be found within the first week."

"Is that what you thought?"

"I knew you were smarter then that, but I honestly had no idea where you would have gone."

" sister said she was living in this small town in Oregon with two of our great uncles so I went to find her. At first, she turned me away because she was scared that our great uncles would send me back here. I ended up sleeping in one of their cars and was found the next morning. Not wanting to be turned away again, I lied. Gave a fake name and made him think I ran away from home. He gave me a roof over my head and fed me as long as I worked in the gift shop of his tourist trap."

"Sounds like he really cared about you."

"I think he did. But then the news showed my face and was talking about how I was dangerous. The way they talked about me was as if I was some fucking escaped convict. But I'm not."

"So he called the police?"

"I don't know. I left before he could get the chance. Was running trying to get to the road so I could get a ride to a different town when the cops found me and caught me."

"I heard that there was a man with you. Who was he?"

" friend.....the only person who matters to me anymore...."

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