Chapter 4

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(Dipper pov)

I kick and struggle as they drag me down the halls. They can't put me in the quiet room. People who are put in there are never the same when they are let out. That is if they are let out at all.

They hold me outside the room forcing me into the straight jacket despite all my struggling. I manage to kick one hard in the balls but the other one just slams my head hard agains the wall making me collapse to the ground groaning in pain as the world around me seems to spin. "Fucking bitch." The one I kicked groans as they drag me into the padded room.

They set me up leaning against the wall in the corner. One of them leaves while the other takes out a pill and tries to force it into my mouth but I refuse to open up even once.

"Come on already and just open your damn mouth you brat!"

In response I instead spit in his face. He sighs annoyed as he grabs a fistul of my hair holding me in place as he stabs a needle in my neck, injecting something into me.

My eyelids start feeling heavy and despite all of my efforts I am unable to stop them from closing.


Feeling a hand gently hitting my cheek I slowly peel my eyes open, them still feeling very heavy so it takes a lot of effort. I manage to make out yellow and a golden eye full of worry. "'re here.....I really must be losing my marbles...."

"Just hold on, Pinetree." He unstraps the straight jacket and helps me out of it. He puts my arm over his neck as he puts his arm around my waist helping me to my feet. My feet feel like cement and my legs like jello, it's hard to move a single thing and everything else feels so tired and numb. "What did those monsters do to you?"

"I wouldn't take the pill.....they injected something into me....I'm so tired...."

"Just hold on. I've got you." He picks me up bridal style and carries me into the hallway. Every where I look there is nothing but complete chaos. There patients attacking guards and orderlies, even attacking other patients. Blood and death is everywhere. I see that Tiffany girl stabbing someone with a shiv she made before she sees us.

She runs at as but a bullet hits her in the neck from behind. As she falls to the ground bleeding out I see James standing a few feet away, a pistol in hand and a dead security guard by his feet. A crazy grin is on his face and as he sees me he waves.

"We're doing it man! We are turning this place upside down!" He shoots another orderly that was trying to run for safety. "Woohoo! I fucking missed these things!" I think he's talking about the thril he gets from shooting people. He never told anyone else but me how much he truly enjoyed shooting his own dad in the head.

"A friend of yours?" Bill asks me.

"Yeah, James....."

"You sure know how to pick your friends."

He carries me out of there like I weighed nothing. He doesn't even seem bothered by all the death everywhere. He just carries me right out the front door which looks like an explosion had happened to it.

"What happened to the door?"

"They wouldn't let me in so I forced my own way in." He carries me to the forest and walks deep for a long time before he sets me down against a tree where a backpack is.

He snaps his fingers and blue fire surrounds him. When the flames are gone his whole outfit changed from formal to casual. Now he's just in a yellow hoodie with an eye in the middle and brick patterns towards the bottom with black jeans and sneakers.

"What exactly are you?"

"You want the honest answer?" He crouches down in front of me.


"I am a dream demon. I have been keeping an eye on you for a very long time."

".....did you alter my test to get me locked up in there?"


"W-Why would you do that? You have any idea what hell I've been put through because of you?"

"I told you that your uncle would never hurt you again. I made a promise on that. At the time, the only way I could keep you safe from that perverted asshole was by making sure you were someplace that he could never get into. Even if he had tried to visit you, he would never have been able to touch you again."

"What will happen to James?"

"I don't know. But one thing is for sure that no one will be able to stop the patients from escaping that place."

"What happened to Annie?"

"I waited until her shift was over and she had already gone home. Then I tried walking through the front door but they wouldn't let me in so I blew it open. I walked down the halls looking for you and to keep them from kicking me out I opened every single patient's door letting them all out."

"You used them as a distraction."

"It worked. Now you're free." He opens the backpack and I see clothes in it including my hat. I thought I had lost it a long time ago when I first was brought here. "I figured we should get you into something more comfortable."

He helps me change into the jeans, t-shirt and blue jacket. He puts the hat on my head before slipping socks and converses on my feet. "What are we supposed to do now?"

"That is up to you. The police will try to find all of those who escaped and they have your file to do so. Anywhere you can go that will be safe?"

"Um.....Mabel told me she lived with our great uncles in Oregon. Some of the letters that the doctor confiscated had their names on the envelopes."

"Do you know where in Oregon?"

"The return address said a town I have never heard the name of. I think....I think it was Gravity Falls."

"I know the place. You sure that you'll be safe there?"

"Yeah, but please don't leave me alone again..."

"Don't worry Pinetree. You can't get rid of me that easy. Now there is a bus station a few miles away. Can you walk yet?"


"Alright." He turns so his back is to me. "Get on."

I wrap my arms around his neck. He holds onto my legs as he stands up with ease and starts walking again with me on his back.

I rest my chin on his shoulder as my eyelids fall closed again and sleep overtakes me for the final time that night.

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