Two Goodbye's and Two Hello's

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Ember landed on Naboo in the middle of a war,  she managed to land her ship with minimal damage

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Ember landed on Naboo in the middle of a war,  she managed to land her ship with minimal damage. Exiting she grimaced slightly when she saw several scratches down the side of the ship Damian was going to have her hide.

She allowed the force to lead her where she needed to go, and wound up in a hanger where she found Obi-Wan and Qui Gon fighting with the Sith from Tatooine.

She drew her saber and ran forward joining in the fight surprising both the Sith and the Jedi

"What are you doing here?" Qui Gon asked "You were forbidden to come."

Ember was attacking the Sith fiercely she was fresh where as the others were all tired.

"I'm helping accept it and move on."

She fell back a bit as Obi-Wan moved in for the attack, she quickly removed her robe and rejoined the battle.

They moved onto a narrow catwalk which forced Ember to back away from the fight as she watched her two companions. She let loose a gasp as Obi-Wan was knocked down falling through the air, she looked over and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw he had hit a catwalk farther down.

Ember seperated her lightsaber into two and jumped bringing them down hard toward the Zabraks head. He barely managed to block her blows, but it caused him to be off guard allowing Qui Gon to knock him from the bridge.

Ember and Qui Gon looked at each other before glancing down

"Check on Obi-Wan."

"Yes Master."

They both jumped down landing on separate platforms, Ember knelt next to Obi-Wan who still looked a little out of it

"Obi-Wan, are you bleeding and is anything broken?"

It was terse but they were in battle, if you werent about to die you had to get up and move on.

He shook his head and Ember stood reaching her hand out for his, he took it and she pulled him to his feet. They took off after Qui Gon and the Sith entering a hallway filled with death rays that shot out in sequence.

Ember and Obi-Wan were forced to come to a stop far behind Qui Gon. Obi-Wan groaned but didnt speak, he was so tired and frustrated, he needed to get to his master.

Through his bond with Ember he felt a wave of calm and acceptance, he looked towards her. She was knelt on the ground in meditation, and a realization came to him. She shouldnt be here the council had forbidden it, which meant they would punish her after this.

Ember looked up and smiled "We will cross that bridge when we get there Ben, but right now concentrate."

Obi-Wan nodded at his lover before the rays turned off and they both rushed forward. Ahead of them Qui Gon and the Sith were rejoined in combat, but the two younger Jedi were forced to come to a stop one ray away from the dueling force wielders.

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