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On the planet of Mustafar in his dark palace Darth Vadar stared down at a halo link of one of his Inquisitors "Where are they?" He demanded, "We have probes out

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On the planet of Mustafar in his dark palace Darth Vadar stared down at a halo link of one of his Inquisitors "Where are they?" He demanded, "We have probes out." Third Sister informed him "We're tracking all possible exits. He will pay for the Grand Inquisitor's..."

"The Grand Inquisitor means nothing. Kenobi is all that matters now. Is that understood?"

"Yes, my lord" She bowed her head and Vader began his manipulation "I have been watching you, Third Sister. I know what it is you seek. Prove yourself, and the position of Grand Inquisitor is yours. Fail me, and you will not live to regret it."

With that the connection was cut and Vader looked up as a tall figure exited the shadows coming to kneel before him.

"You sent for me Master?"

Darth Vader looked down on his apprentice, so full of hatred and anger, so ready to kill any who stood in his way. And yet, there was still light in the boy,a light that Vader was working hard to destroy.

"The father and mother of Qui-Gon Kenobi have killed the Grand Inquisitor." He left this hanging awaiting a response from his young apprentice, the boy said nothing for a moment before he voiced "Do you wish me to finish them master?"

"Meditate and prepare yourself, but for now your old friend will find them for us."

Qui-Gon's anger burned hotter as he remembered the one who faked her death when his companions fell "Please Master, allow me to kill her, has she not been a thorn in our side and a waste of supplies long enough?"

"Patience my young apprentice, when the time comes it will be by your hand that she falls. And then Darth Revan you shall fell the woman who birthed Qui-Gon Kenobi."

Darth Revan stood to leave the room knowing this was his sign of dismissal, he entered his ship where his droid waited on him. Reaching out he laid a hand on the droid and closed his eyes slowly, "Lets go R-7, we have a lot of work to do, and a lot of pretending to be less than we are."

He growled at the thought of having to obey the orders of Third Sister, but this was his Masters orders and he would follow them.


"Are we almost there?"

Ember laughed slightly turning her head to watch as Obi-Wan had mental flashbacks to another child saying the exact same words. "Can't you make this thing go any faster?"

Ember raised an eyebrow waiting and letting Obi-Wan take care of this "It's a trade route, Leia. I'm not in control of it."

"Can't you use the Force on it or something?"

Ember smiled "Have I not told you before little one, the force is not simply for making your life easier."

Obi-Wan nodded "Besides that's not how it works."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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