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Things don't always happen the way you expect them to, your life doesn't always turn out the way you want it to. One day you can be a great warrior the next you could be hiding under a rock in the desert praying that no one will find you or your family. Obi-Wan Kenobi sighed as he dismounted his Eopie and entered his home, it was rather bare at the moment although a few toys were strewn about. 

His wife was currently off-planet in the Dagobah system visiting her master and dropping off supplies for the old Jedi. Ember was of the belief that there was still hope in the universe, so she was always off doing good for someone. Obi-Wan had not left Tattoine in the last ten years, nor had he trained in the force, something he knew his wife thought foolish

"How can we protect the children if we cant protect ourselves Obi-Wan?" She had asked him one day when she tried to get him to train with her, he had shot back with "How can we protect the children if we lead them straight here with our force signatures?"

She had sighed and walked away, unwilling to argue about it, after all, Ember had been able to mask her force presence since childhood, Obi-Wan had not mastered that ability.

Obi-Wan headed to the Lars farm and dismounted from his Eopie and stared through his binocs towards the farm, he saw a small boy and girl playing together and smiled. Owen turned towards them telling them to grab something, the second the mans back was turned the boy grabbed the girl's arm and led her away.

Obi-Wan smiled as he watched them climb up and pretend they were flying, he picked up a small transmitter and clicked the button, below the girl looked down and smiled. "Bye Luke! Bye Mr.Owen, bye Mrs. Beru!"

She took off running towards the rocky outcropping, when she saw Obi-Wan waiting on her she ran into his arms "Papa!"

"Oriana!" Obi-Wan sighed happily taking his little one into his arms "Did you have fun today?"

As he led her away and placed her on the Eopie she rattled on about her day and Obi-Wan listened with a smile until she asked "When will mommy be home?"

Obi-Wan sighed "Soon little one, soon." Another downfall of closing himself to the force was closing himself to the bond between him and Ember, so where he used to know everywhere his wife was, he no longer did. "Soon."

As they rode it grew dark and Oriana suddenly looked up "Papa, something is out there!"

Obi-Wan tilted his head listening and he heard it, footsteps, rustling and then "Master." He turned his head and stared at the man before him who looked vaguely familiar

"I thought I saw you in the town, but I wasn't sure. I didn't think you'd survived."

Obi-Wan shook his head "You're making some kind of mistake."

"I'm sorry, my name is Nari. Um, there's no mistake." The man said stepping forward with hope in his gaze 

"You're looking for somebody else."

"What are you doing here, Obi-Wan?"

"My name is Ben."

 "Come on, please. Please. You have no idea what I've been through."

Obi-Wan dismounted and his voice daughter rang out "Papa?"

Nari looked beyond him in surprise as he took in the small girl but his gaze was quickly brought back to Obi-Wan as he said "You must leave. You'll draw too much attention."

"But I have nowhere to go. They're hunting me. You have to help me."

 Obi-Wan sighed and reached out for the man's lightsaber "You want my help? Take this. Walk into the middle of the desert and bury it in the ground. Stay hidden. Live a normal life."

Somewhere in the Gray- A Star Wars Story- Obi-WanXOCWhere stories live. Discover now