Clone Wars: The Wrong Jedi

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20 BBY

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20 BBY

Location- Classified

"Wrecker blow it!" Ember howled with happiness as the ammunitions factory below them blew to high heavens... She turned to her team with a large smile on her face

"Now was that fun or what?"

Wrecker cheered his agreement but the rest of the team gave her a look of disbelief, they had nearly died.. Twice..

Crosshair looked to his girlfriend "Is your master just crazy or is she insane?"

Raya shrugged with a small smirk on her face knowing her masters plans tended to skirt the edge of insanity on a good day. But she always got her men out, and if any damage was taken it was her that took the worst.

It was a fact that General Ember Starr had more successful missions under her belt then anyy other commanding officer. But because of what kind of missions the team went on she also had less notoriety then Generals like Kenobi or Skywalker.. And she liked it that way.

In the last year a lot of things had changed, Ember had been granted the honorary place in the council that her uncle had formerly possessed. Qui Gon had been taken on as the padawan of Yoda as his mother before him. And Raya's relationship with Crosshair was out in the open, after a long talk with the team about how it didnt change things.

Tech spoke from the front "General, theres a message incoming from the temple"

Ember moved back to her quarters and answered the call "My fellow council. What news?"

Around about her the council members appeared, her eyes landed for a moment on Obi-Wan's face, before looking to Master Windu.

"There's been a bombing at the temple."

Everyone on the call stared in disbelief, and Ember realized that the disturbance she had felt an the force earlier before the mission had been this.

After a while of speaking Master Windu looked to Ember "Master Starr, we are recalling you to Coruscant, your padawan can lead your men on their next mission... But you are needed here."

Ember bowed "Understood Master, I'll land on the next planet and head that way, we're pretty far out at the moment so it might take me a day or two to reach Coruscant."

"May the force be with you Master Starr." Ember smiled as her husbands voice came through

"And with you Master Kenobi, Masters."

After explaining things to her team, landing on a planet, getting a ship, and heading back to Coruscant she was too days later then she wanted to be.

She arrived in time for the funeral of the fallen, Anakin and his padawan had already caught the bomber. She sat between Obi-Wan and Galaxy, she noticed that Damian was one of the guards surrounding the bodies.

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