The Clone Wars: Escape from Kadavo

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22 BBY

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22 BBY

The Jedi Council

Ember Starr stood in front of the council awaiting her orders, she had been granted the rank of General just like the other Jedi Masters. Now it was time to for her to be given a squad of clone troopers to command, Master Windu smiled at woman. He was proud of her in his own way, just as Yoda was, he had seem her grow from girl to woman, padawan to master. He had the perfect clone troop for her

"After much deliberation, I discovered what I believe will be the perfect Clone troop for you Master Starr."

Ember bowed her head "I will be glad to meet them."

"You have been assigned clone force 99, their a special forces, commando squad... They're different then the other clones, I think they'll be perfect for you."

Ember tilted her head "Different Master Windu?"

He nodded "They were genetically altered to have enhanced abilities, they are special much like yourself... You are the only general in would trust with them Ember."

Ember smiled "Thank you, Master."

Yoda spoke "One more thing to tell you we have... Padawan learner you have gained."

This surprised Ember "A padawan? Master no gray jedi had ever been given a padawan by the council."

"Special case this is, child born of a nightsister she was sent to us to protect her.. Darkness there is in her, but tempered it could be by the teachings of the gray. Her last master died at the battle of Geonesis."

Master Plo Koon nodded "The childs ways remind me much of yourself when you were young Ember... But you had the wisdom of your family and the members of this council to guide you.. This child needs your wisdom."

"Let me meet her."

"Arranged this will be., Raya Tome her name is"

Ember left the council chamber and smiled when she saw Obi-Wan waiting on her

"Hello, what are you doing here?"

Obi-Wan smiled but remained composed as they turned and walked down the hallway "I was wondering how it went? Everyone else got their orders a months ago, Anakin and I have already fought in a battle."

Ember nodded "Master Windu said it took this long to find the perfect clone troop for my...." She paused considering her words "special abilities ."

"And did they?"

"Apparently,  I've been given command of clone troop 99 its a commando division."

Obi-Wan frowned not liking the sound of that, but he knew whether he liked it or not that was probably the best fit for Ember.

"One other thing... Ive been assigned a padawan."

Obi-Wan smiled "Thats wonderful Ember!" He looked towards her expecting her to be excited but instead she was staring at the ground "What's wrong?"

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