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It's been a long time since I was home, this little old town of ours seems like such a distant memory that I can't even begin to think of everything we've all accomplished since we all moved on from The Next Step
It'll always be that big part of our lives no doubt. But we're all full grown adults now 
We've all moved on drastically but I reckon this wedding is enough to make us remember the good old days

I walked into the huge mansion almost that our dad had rented out for us over the next 2 months. A lot of us were in so early for wedding prep but I don't think all of us would be here till the week of the wedding
This place was huge and I don't doubt that I'm in the right place
Emily is certainly a daddy's little princess, this wedding was about to cost my dead a kidney or two

"Trust Em to have somewhere so flashy" I laughed walking in
"She's your sister" Spencer teased making me chuckle as we both brought our suitcases in
"Do you want to go find Em and Hunter while I bring the rest of our things in?" Spencer asked, I smiled at him and nodded before gently pressing our lips together watched as he left through the front door again

I continued to walk through the house only to hear a large commotion coming from the garden. The garden was almost as big if not bigger then the house itself 
But I didn't expect to see majority of A-Troupe there
"Looks like a party out here" I said making them all snap their heads around being met with an array of smiles
"Riley!" Emily screeched coming over and hugging me 

"hey Em" I smiled as we pulled away only for hunter to scoop me up this time
"hey Riles" Hunter chuckled
"Hey Hunt" I replied before turning to the rest of A-Troupe
"God, we all got old" I said making them all burst out laughing
Thalia was stood tucked into Eldon's arm, West was with Giselle, from what I've seen this was something fairly recent
James was stood with a pretty blonde attached to his arm while Stephanie stood there with her boyfriend Alex

"Riley this is Jessica and well you know Alex" Emily said introducing me to the unfamiliar face
"nice to meet you" I smiled shaking her hand 
"You too" She said before James flashed a smile to me

"Where is your lover boy?" Hunter asked making James and Eldon both raise a brow
"Don't tell me somethings happened? Don't do this Riley. I need his sister to be a flower girl" Emily panicked
"Will you chill" I asked making A-Troupe laugh
"Imagine Riley being the one to tell someone to chill" West teased making us all laugh too 

Before anyone else could say anything else, Spencer made his way out of the double doors and straight over to us
"See, crisis averted" I said smiling at Spencer before he was tackled into a hug from Emily
"Do I even want to know?" He asked me after Emily pulled away, I chuckled shaking my head as he did his usual exchange with Hunter
"Guys this is Spencer, Spencey boy meet A-Troupe and company" Hunter
"we have Eldon, Thalia, West, Giselle,Stephanie, Alex, James and Jessica"Emily said as Spencer smiled at all of them one my one as his hand laid firmly on my waist

"It's great to meet you all. Best believe these three speak highly of you" He chuckled looking at me with a smile on his face
He wasn't wrong, Hunter, Emily and I have all spoken to Spencer about A-Troupe about our good old days and he was nothing more then happy to be invited to hear the stories 

"Little Riri has grown up" Eldon smirked in my direction
"And Little Elly managed to stick to one girl for longer then 5 minutes?" I smirked back crossing my arms
"Oooo Riley's got some sass now" James said making us all laugh 
"This is going to be one heck of a wedding" Hunter mustered between his laughs

He's got that right, this wedding was going to be the beginning of something, who knows what at this point

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