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As soon as I got to the club that Riley had sent the address too, I smiled..
This was the place that Riley and I had snuck into when we were still underage. That night was so perfect in our own way. Riley and I were wasted like beyond being able to communicate but yet we made a very big break through that night
Riley told me that no matter what happens
How far away we are from each other
We'd always have a special love for each other

And boy was she right...

I started looking around the jam packed room until I found the small petite brunette I was looking for, she was dancing around with her friends completely oblivious to the commotion around her
But the moment her eyes locked onto mine, her face lit up before rushing over to me

The second she was close enough she wrapped her arms around my neck hugging me tightly, I held her as close as could wrapping both my arms around her waist
"Thank you for coming" She muttered into my shoulder making me chuckle
"You call, I jump" I chuckled reminding her of a promise we made all these years ago


Riley and I had just dropped the girls at their hotel and were due to be heading back to my car to head home but Riley had other ideas when she grabbed my hand pulling me over to a wall
"what are you doing" I laughed
"I want to go for a walk" She said climbing onto of the world, I looked over it to see that if Riley was to take a misstep she would be heading face first into some water
"Be careful" I warned her making her giggle as she intertwined our hands
It's evident that Riley had had a lot to drink this evening 

"Don't even worry about it" She said in a mocking tone, clearly trying to make it sound like me
I rolled my eyes at her child like antics before she giggled again
"Watch this" She said attempting to hop on one leg
That was a bad idea sober let alone drunk

The moment she did that she missed her landing almost falling off the wall, but instead of the water she was heading straight to the concrete floor 
I detached our hands before putting both my hands out to catch her
With a small squeal leaving her lips, as soon as she was safely in my arms she gripped onto me. One hand gripping my shoulder with the other wrapped around my neck

"I don't mean to tell you I told you so but" I started making her pout at me
"Hey, I didn't drop you did iii" I teased 
"You always promised you wouldn't" She whispered smiling at me
"and I'm a man of my word" I said making her smile even more 

There was something about just spending time with Ri that made the world seem okay
Like we don't need to be all coupled up, lovey dovey, just being with her and spending some time with her makes me really appreciate everything 
From where we've come from, to where we are going to go 

"Come hereeee" Riley whined as she sat on a swing, we were now in a child play park. In fact this is where we spend most of our high school free periods
"Alright alright" I laughed gently pushing her 
"What are you thinking about" Riley said attempting to turn around while the swing was higher
As soon as she came back for another push, I stopped the swing, I would rather not have a wall repeat

"I'm just thinking about everything" I said making her look at me confused as she hopped off of the swing, She took a seat on grass before patting the spot next to her
"What is everything?" she asked and I chuckled looking at her
"We've been through a lot" I said making her smile

"Of course we have, we're jiley" she giggled making me roll my eyes playfully
"Do you ever regret it?" I asked and she shook her head
"James we're complicated but that's what makes our story unique" She smiled sounding sober for the first time this evening

"So you don't wish it would have been different?" He asked
"Sure I mean I would have loved for Beth and Alfie to have never been a thing but then if we start changing things, it changes us" She said
"Without Beth, I would may have not realised that I loved you that soon" Riley explained
"and without Alfie I may have not realised how much I needed you" She said smiling

"Beth made me realise that you were the person I wanted to be with, like nobody else mattered anymore" I said making Riley blush slightly
"And Alfie made me realise how much I truly took you for granted" I said making Riley look at me confused
"I knew you were always there but I barely ever made sure you were okay hence the whole Studio Head problematics" I said
"James that wasn't your fault" She whispered and I shook my head

"Want to know something?" Riley asked and I smiled glancing at her again
"what?" I asked
"you are the only boy that I actually debated throwing my marriage bias away for" She said before bowing her head playing with her hands 

"Ri?" I said making her look up, the moment she did I gently leant forward pressing my lips against hers
Feeling her smile against the kiss only brought my feelings back harder

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