
We were all on our way to The Next Step. It's where Emily spends most of her days but here was all of us hoping we would be able to chill
"Look, we are only going to be here for 2 hours" Emily said as we all walked it, by all.. It was only Emily, Hunter, Spencer, James Jessica and I. Somehow the other two couples managed to escape this doom

"Plus Riley, don't you want to show Spence around" Emily teased
"Same with you man, show Jess what you were like back then" Hunter winked at him making James chuckle
"You mean the dick he was" Emily asked raising a brow making James pull a face at him 
"from the look of all the photos, you've clearly accomplished a lot" Spencer said looking around the office

"Do you remember this one?" Emily asked holding up a photo from Regionals, I smiled looking at the photo
"God, we were so small" I said 
"Correction, you were" James teased making me roll my eyes
"Roo, you were always the baby of A-Troupe" Hunter teased 
"Alright alright" I laughed 

Time moved on and we all split up, Hunter went with James and Jessica while I showed Spencer around
Truth be told, I never thought about bringing Spencer here. Not because I didn't want him to see it but because this place was a different Riley 
"This place means a lot to you doesn't it" Spencer said as we walked back into Studio A, Emily was no longer in her office so the place was empty

"Yeah, it does. It was such a big part of me growing up" I said looking around the studio, Spencer chuckled to him self pulling me back by our intertwined hands giving me a small twirl as I came spirally back
"It's so strange being back here" I whispered Spencer's arms where now on my waist while mind found their way to the back of his neck

"do you miss being back?" He asked and I sighed looking around again
"I want to say yes" I started
"But?" He asked
"But I don't think I do. I mean I love these people they will forever be my family" I started
"But I've built another life now" I said and he nodded
"I get that sweetheart but it's okay to miss places sometimes" He said making me smile

"I do at times, I miss the simplicity of it all but I wouldn't change anything that's happened" I smiled up at him
"Good because if you had change something, it may have meant we never met" He winked making me giggle slightly
"What a travesty that would be" I said making him smile widely before gently pressing his lips against mine 

"I love you" I said making him smile
"I love you too" He replied before closing the gap once again


Spencer and I spent the rest of the morning in Studio A just talking about A-Troupe but I was more then happy to be back at the house with everyone
This is place, these people.. They are family and I don't dare think about what would happen with out them around

"So let's talk" Hunter said taking a seat on the sofa next to Emily, we were all sitting in our little couples
I sat in the corner of the sofa with my legs sprawled across Spencer's Lap while our hands laid intertwined too
"talk about what?" Eldon laughed
"I don't bloody know, I'm just starting up a conversation" Hunter said
"Why don't you ask how the two newest couples got together" Giselle asked making all of us look at her and Steph

"She didn't mean us" Stephanie said
"But you guys are, like you guys have been together for just over a year and you two just shy of a couple months" James said 
"fine, let me rephrase. James how did you meet Jess" Giselle said rolling her eyes
Jess looked over at me with a slight smirk on her face before turning to everyone else

"We met is a coffee shop" James shrugged clearly not wanting to dig any deeper
"I was working there and James came in, it was kind of like love at first sight" Jessica gushed making the girls all smile while the boys kind of look a little taken back, the boys including James

"And Spencer and Riley?" Stephanie asked making Spencer look at me with a smile on his face
"Which story are we telling?" Spencer asked making me roll my eyes
"What?" Eldon asked
"So apparently, Spencer met me before I met him" I said 
"How does that even work?" Jessica asked
"It was at one of our friends birthday parties, Riley was off in her own little bubble of friends. the guys pointed out every girl giving me their names" Spencer explained

"Okay and what is the other story?" Giselle asked 
"I was out in the park. I had decided that I didn't want to be stuck in my apartment anymore so I packed up some blankets, a book and my laptop and found a nice little spot underneath a tree" I said 
"That tree became very special for us" Spencer winked making me roll my eyes playfully

"Spencer just happened to be in the park too walking to meet his friend Darren?" I asked and Spencer nodded
"he'll forever be mad that I abandoned him that day" Spencer laughed
"But regardless, I saw Ril and stopped to say hey. We then got to talking and spent the next what 3 days together?" Spencer asked and I nodded
"He would walk me home every night and then we would meet for breakfast before heading out to do something else" I smiled
"and here we are" Spencer smiled giving her hand another squeeze
"Here we are" I smiled back at him

I looked around the room to see all the girls almost in tears while even the boys looked a little happy
"That's actually adorable" Giselle said making me chuckle
"It's weird to think that's how it started" Emily said making me laugh
"Better then your love story sis" I said making her pull a face at me 

Truth be told, I don't think there will ever be a better way for Spencer and I to have started. It was perfect for us 

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