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"Emily, what are we doing here? It's late and you don't usually open on a Sunday" I said and she smiled as we walked into TNS with the girls close behind us
"Girls, I'll leave you to it while I tackle the bigger problem" Emily said grabbing my hand pulling me towards one of the locker rooms

"Look at you" She smiled after finishing her antics
"Why are you getting me all dressed up for?" I asked and she chuckled before pushing me towards the mirror 
"Look at you Rilesss" She smiled and I rolled my eyes
"You know, I would have a better reaction if I knew what this was all for?" I asked and she shook her head
"It's cute that you think I would tell you" She said bopping my nose

"Just promise me one thing" She said as we stood by the doorway, I looked at her confused 
"keep an open mind tonight, don't shut anything down to hastily" She said 
"Emily what are -" I started before seeing Giselle poke her head around the corner
"all is ready!" She yelled making Emily smile before taking my hand guiding me out 


It wasn't long before I was pushed into Studio A with the door shut behind me, I looked around to see I was alone but in the middle of the room was a table decked out for two people
Just like majority of James and I's dates in the past
This isn't is it?

I walked over to one of the plates to see a note addressed to 'Roo' meaning Hunter was behind all of this

  You've been nothing but the best sister in law (or soon to be) I could have asked for so this is my gift to you
Whether you can see it yet or not. You and James were always were meant to be. No matter how toxic you two got, you were always each other clarity
Now I'm not going to be a soppy mess because we know that isn't my vibe

All I ask from you tonight Roo is to not worry about anything else. Forget about the breakup, forget about the wedding. Focus on yourself and what could come from this 


I smiled to myself before looking up to see James heading into Studio A with the same confused expression I had had when I walked in 
"Fancy seeing you here" I chuckled crossing my arms
"I swear, this was not m-" he started but I rolled my eyes before hugging him
"It was Hunter" I said making him chuckle
"Of course" James said before untucking my chair 

"Shall we?" He asked and I smiled nodding
"We shall" I said softly before taking a seat 

James and I sat and ate, we talked and honestly.. it felt like the old us all over again
"Piper is coming tomorrow" He smiled, I honestly love how close they still are
"So is Olivia" I chuckled
"Oh lord, they are going to be a handful aren't they" He asked and I nodded
"Hey, it'll give Piper practice for when she becomes an aunt or a mum" I said making him laugh
"Let's not get a head of ourselves, I don't want Piper to be a mother because I'd then know she's done the you know" He rambled making me roll my eyes

James began to look around the room before smiling
"It's crazy to think that this is where everything started" He said making me smile
"I remember your second year in A-Troupe was when everyone first started shipping us but all i ever saw was you showing off in front of the E-Girls" I confessed
"Hey, I wasn't showing off for the E-Girls" He said
"James I watched you do it" I laughed

"exactly Ri, I wasn't showing off for the E-Girls I was showing off for you" He said making me playfully roll my eyes
"Nice save" I said making him chuckle
"It wasn't a save, I'm being dead serious, ask Eldon" He said making me smile 

It's been a long time since I've felt like this and I can't explain it
Even when I was with Spencer I never felt like this, it's just something about being with James that just sends my heart over the edge

"Now it wouldn't be a Jiley date without" James said rising to his feet making me giggle
"A dance" I asked and he nodded holding out his hand
The moment our hands touched I was pulled into his arms as we began to slow dance around Studio A

I looked up at James with a smile on my face the moment our eyes locked
"What?" he asked matching my smile
"nothing" I said reaching up cupping his cheek gently stroking it
This is where I was meant to be..

"What's going on in that head of yours" James asked nuzzling my hand slightly while we continued to sway
"I want this" I said making him look at me with widened eyes slightly
"What?" He whispered as his eyes searched mine

"I want to take it slow but I want this again" I said making James smile widely
"Are you sure?" He whispered and I nodded
"I've never been so sure of anything in my life" I chuckled before he crashed our lips together 
"I'm going to make sure you don't regret it" He whispered placing his forehead on mine

"I could never regret you James" I whispered gently leaning forward to kiss him again

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