
"Alright alright, she'll be home in 20" I heard Hunter say on the phone before the call ended
It's been a couple days now, each day Emily forced Riley out of the house with her and Riley would come back more and more exhausted then the last
"What's going on?" Eldon asked as the rest of us sat at home
"Spencer is on his way here with his little sister" Hunter explained
"I thought he wasn't back for another couple days" Giselle asked and he shrugged
"The boy is as spontaneous as anyone" He laughed before texting someone, I think we could all assume it would be Emily

"Why is his little sister here so early?" Stephanie asked
"Probably something to do with his parents, last time I check they weren't doing too good" He said
"There have been quite a few times where Riley and Spencer have had Olivia for weeks on end" He said 
Before any of us could say anything else the front door went and we hear the giggles of a little child
"How old is his sister?" Eldon asked
"3" Hunter said making everyone nod their heads understanding who had just walked in 

Moments later, the small little girl made her way into the kitchen and the moment she saw all of us she looked around for a familiar face before finally spotting Hunter, she darted towards him, hiding behind him
"Liv!" Spencer called before joining us all in the kitchen
"Hey guys" He chuckled before noticing his little sister

"Hey hunter look at that, she likes you now" Spencer laughed making us all burst out laughing too
"Liv do you want to meet everyone" Spencer asked crouching on the floor
"Leyley" She said and all of us looked to Spencer
"Riley isn't here yet" He explained
It was pretty cute that Olivia had a nickname for Riley 


"Emily I swear to god, if you change that one more damn time. I'll murder you before you get to walk down the isle" Riley groaned as we heard the front door close
"But Riley, wouldn't the white look nicer" Emily gushed
"No" Riley said bluntly making all of us laugh before seeing the two frustrated sisters arrive in the kitchen

The moment they did, Emily smiled before Riley noticed that Spencer was back
But the moment she did, her face lit up. It was something I hadn't seen in years. Maybe Jiley's story had finished

Riley rushed over to Spencer pressing their lips together while he chuckled holding her close by the waist
"Leyley!" Olivia's voice called making the pair pull apart, Riley looked down to see the three year old stood at her side
"Hey Livvy" Riley gushed picking up the 3 year old

Riley and I have only ever spoken about kids once and that was Riley telling me she wasn't sure if she wanted them. She didn't think she would be able to develop that motherly instinct everyone has, but this one exchange is showing me that she would be able to 

"What are you two doing here" Riley asked looking at Spencer
"Work ended early, mum and dad are going to some appointment so we have miss Olivia for a couple weeks" Spencer said making Riley smile
"As long as that is okay?" Spencer said looking at Emily

"Of course that is okay, look at the cutie" Emily said holding Olivia's hand
"She's a crowd favourite" Giselle said making everyone smile in their direction
Olivia reached up to Riley whispering something into her ear making Riley blush a little before shaking her head at the little girl
"our secret" Olivia whispered placing their foreheads together
"Always" Riley said making Olivia giggle before squirming to get down

We were all sat outside in the garden, most of the girls were off playing with Olivia, she had truly captured all of their hearts
"How are your parents?" Hunter asked and Spencer shrugged
"It's a bit of hit and miss at the moment" He said making Hunter nod
"I've never seen the girls so smitten" I laughed making the guys join in
"I've never seen Riley so motherly" Eldon teased
"She's been like that since the moment Olivia was born" Spencer explained
"The moment they met they kind of bonded" He said 

"i think Riley will always be Olivia's favourite" He chuckled
I glanced over at Riley who was chasing after the little girl, it made me think long and hard about the conversation I had with the boys a few days ago

Is Jiley's story over with? Or is there still a chance?

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