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Over the course of the coming weeks, Edward and I spent every waking moment we could spend, together. 

The only time we didn't spend time together was during school hours. WeI— feared that Bella would pick up on whatever was going on between us if we spent all hours together at school. But when we did hang out at school, I always said we were just friends. 

Of course, we were just friends... Just friends who kissed sometimes. 

I stood in front of Edward in the lunch line, his food only being bought to keep up the act while I actually needed to eat. 

"Fifteen minutes into lunch and I'll go to Building Seven for Economics," Edward whispered into my ear. 


"You know, building seven is very empty," he informed me. "People hardly ever have any classes there." 

"Yeah, I know." 

"I might need an escort to walk me there," Edward said thoughtfully, sounding like he was considering who he should choose to take him to Building Seven. 

"I'm sure Alice will be more than happy to walk you to your next class," I suggested.

"Are you thick?" Edward finally snapped. "I want you to walk me since you have a free period next," he hissed angrily. 

"Oh," I said, chuckling shortly afterwards at my obliviousness. 

"I'm sorry I didn't catch on sooner," I apologised with a small smile. "And yes, I will walk you." 

"Took you long enough," Edward grumbled. 

I grabbed my lunch tray and drifted off into conversation with Mike, who was standing in front of me in line but chose to wait for me. When we sat down, like usual, his attention was intercepted by Chatterbox Stanley. 

I took my usual seat next to my best and only friend in Forks. I noticed Bella's eyes staring intently at her lemonade can, inspecting deeply the Minute Maid logo branded on the tin.  

"You alright there?" I asked her. 

"Yeah, yes, yeah," she sighed, swallowing thickly. 

"Can I come over later today?" she blurted out suddenly, looking uncomfortable. 

"Or we can skip Gym again?" she stammered out. 

"Yeah, sure," I nodded. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Edward's distinct lanky frame striding out of the cafeteria, dumping his fully loaded tray into the rubbish bin on his way out. I waited for a moment, chatting with Mike and Jessica not to seem suspicious. 

After an endless five minutes of meaningless talking, I got up, promptly excusing myself as I made my way into the hallway. I saw Edward with his back leaning against a locker, completely absorbed in the book in his hands. 

"Afternoon," I nodded. 

I cocked my head to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of the book he was reading. 

"Death in Venice?" I read. 

"Yes," he said, looking up from his book and folding the corner of his page to mark it. "I saw it on your nightstand when I was at your house."

"Reckoned I should give it a read since you were, and lucky for me, Carlisle had a copy." 

"It's one of my father's favourites," I told him. 

He smiled gently before nodding towards the corridor. "Shall we?" 

"We shall." 

We walked along the halls, out of Building Four and onto the rainy sidewalk. The distance between our bodies was much too far for my liking. But I suppose that was one consequence of the 'just friends' pretence, your touches would always be limited to being 'just friendly'. 

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