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Positive. That one little word scared her. Hermione Granger covered her mouth with her hand and sobbed, sinking to her knees landing on the bathroom floor. No. I can't be. But she was. What was written on the pregnancy test was true. She was pregnant.

She was pregnant! The good girl. The good daughter. The one who always got good grades. The daughter who has not been punished since she was five. Now, she was pregnant. Pregnant at fourteen. With Harry Potter's child. Her best friend. She's having her best friend's baby.

She placed a hand on her stomach. Her baby was in there. Safe and warm. Her baby. Harry's baby. Her and Harry's baby. What would he think?! Would he leave her? Would he want nothing to do with her or the baby? She could not live with that. But she knew she should tell him. Right before her parents. She was only fourteen. She did not know what she wanted.

There was only one thing she knew she wanted.

This baby. This creation she and Harry made out of passion. She knew she was in love with Harry. Which is one of the reasons she did not want to give this baby up for adoption. She couldn't do it. She couldn't go through with it. Even if her parents made her. She'd run away and have her baby by herself if she wanted.

However, she knew she couldn't do this alone.

She needed Harry. How would she tell him? Just go up to him and tell him, "hey, I'm carrying your baby"? No!

She stood up and looked into the mirror. Not exactly knowing what she was doing, she lifted up her shirt and put a hand on her flat stomach, rubbing it. "It's okay," she whispered to the fetus inside her, growing as she talked to it. "It's okay, baby. Mummy's here. Mummy's not going to let you go. Mummy loves you." What was she saying?! She already loved her baby?! She was fourteen! Most fourteen year old girls do not even like babies.

Yet, Hermione loved her unborn child so much she'd do anything to make sure they were okay.

She was glad her parents were out of the house. She put the pregnancy test in the brown paper bag it was in, went outside to throw it in the garbage. She knew her parents wouldn't look in there. After she went back inside to cry a little bit more, wondering where Harry was and if he was thinking of her and then suddenly groaned, feeling the need to vomit.

Scary thing was she knew why.


That night, Hermione was woken up to the doorbell ringing. It was ten o'clock, but still late for someone to be at their house. Hermione, wondering who that could be, raced to the staird to peer at who it was. Her father, Jacob opened the door.

She smiled at who it was. It was Remus Lupin and a woman whom Hermione had never seen before. She had bubble-gum pink hair and was about Remus' age.

"Hello, Mr. Granger, I'm Remus Lupin. I was a professor at Hogwarts the year before last. This is Tonks, a co-worker at where I work now. I was wondering if Hermione was in?"

Hermione didn't wait for her Dad to call her. "Professor!" She walked down the stairs, not rushing in fear of falling and hurting her precious cargo. She approached the three adults. Jacob let them in. "What are you doing here? Is Harry okay?" she asked in fear that the father of her child could be hurt.

"Yes, he's fine. We were going to pick him up later tonight. We were wondering if you and your parents, of course, would like to stay at Grimmauld Place with me, Tonks, Harry, and Sirius for the remainder of the summer. Your parents do not have to stay, of course, but I know Harry would like you to stay," Remus asked.

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