Chapter 3: Names

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Three months went by fairly quickly for the two teens. For Harry though, it went by sort of slow. Hermione was throwing up a lot and having late night cravings. Since he was a good cook, she had concluded, she would wake him up to cook her random things like chili. But the strange thing was is that she wanted chopped bananas in it. He told her he would do anything for her, so he made whatever she requested. She'd just sit on the counter in the kitchen and watch him make it, occasionally conversing with him every now and then.

Then there was the daily vomiting. Hermione would vomit several times a day and Harry, being a good best friend and a gentleman, would be there holding her hair up. He, however, looked away, as he did not want to see the food he had made for her during the night being regurgitated into the toilet.

She also had her mood swings often. There were times when she just wanted to hit him for just breathing on her. Other times, she began sobbing because she put her slippers on the wrong feet.

It was now August and it was almost time to go back to school for the both of them. Two months before, they got the news about what the sex of the baby was. Both were excited for the results and could not wait to tell everyone.

"It's a girl!" Hermione gushed to her mother, who shrieked and hugged them.

They would have loved a boy just the same, though. They did not care if it was a boy or a girl, just that it was happy. Hermione's stomach was getting bigger and she was now showing. Madame Pomfrey indicated that her due date was January 29th.

Harry and Hermione sat on the couch in the living room of Grimmauld Place, discussing baby plans.

"So, now that we know it's a girl, I think we should talk about names," Hermione suggested. They were sitting with their legs crossed, facing each other.

"Good idea," Harry agreed.

"Okay, let's play a game. We'll go through the alphabet and I'll say a letter and we both have to give a name that we like starting with that letter. A girl name."

Harry nodded smiling, "Sounds like fun."

"Okay, A."

"Um, Arabella," Harry thought and replied.

Hermione thought about this. "Arabella? Hmm...that's cute, Harry."

"It's the name of my neighbor across the street from the Dursleys. She's a Squib and she lives with like twenty-seven cats," Harry said chuckling. "But I thought 'Arabella' was such a cute name."

"It is cute, Harry. Um, for me, Abigail."

Harry nodded. "I like it. B."


Harry raised his eyebrow and shook his head. "Uh, no." They chuckled. "Bridget."

Hermione shook her head. "Okay, Bs are out. C."


Hermione didn't shake her head, but she didn't nod either. It was in the middle. "Maybe. Charlotte."

Harry smiled. "Maybe, as like her middle name. D."

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