Chapter 4: Hogwarts

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Another month passed quickly and soon it was time to go back to Hogwarts for their Fifth Year. They were a bit reluctant to go because of Dumbledore, but McGonagall supported and encouraged them to go back and continue their education. They did not care what others thought of them or said about them. They would walk into the Great Hall with their heads held high. They would not care what Dumbledore said, either. They understood his reasoning, but not his way of working things out. Harry assured Hermione that Dumbledore was not going to bother them with the baby and Voldemort would not try to hurt them.

Hermione's parents had decided to stay for the rest of the summer. They had planned to stay just for a few weeks, then it became just a couple of months, until it became the whole summer. Every now and then, though, they would go back to spend a night in their home. They had stayed for Hermione and her pregnant condition, to which their daughter was very grateful of.

The two teens had went to Diagon Alley to get their school supplies. Hermione had worn one of Harry's large shirts, so that she could conceal her pregnancy from reporters like Rita Skeeter. It did some good to hide it, but you had to really look to notice it.

It soon came time to pack up for the trip to Hogwarts. Harry and Hermione packed up their trunks and left out an oufit to wear the next day. Charlotte, Jacob, Sirius, Remus, and Tonks were sad to see them leave.

Hermione was especially sad to leave Grimmauld Place because now she couldn't wake Harry up so that he could cook her chili and bananas. She was sure that she could ask one of the house elves to bring it to her room a few nights. But if they didn't want to, that was okay. She didn't believe in slavery, so she wouldn't force them to do anything for her. However, it still wouldn't be the same. She loved Harry's cooking and she loved talking to him at night. They couldn't do that anymore except on weekends, now that they were going back to school.

On September the first, Jacob Flooed back to his home and drove the SUV back to Grimmauld Place. He was going to drive the two teens and his wife to King's Cross. Remus and Tonks were going to apparate. Sirius could not go, however, because he was in hiding. They were sad about that. Sirius hugged Harry tight, telling him that he would see them for Christmas.

"Got everything?" the Granger patriarch asked them as they put the last of Harry and Hermione's belongings into the SUV.

They nodded and got into the SUV, Harry helping Hermione in, of course. They drove off, giving Sirius one last wave, as he was waving in the upstairs window.


When they arrived at the train station, Harry grabbed his trunk out of the back, Jacob grabbed Hermione, while she held onto Crookshanks' basket, which she had been holding onto during the journey. Meanwhile, Charlotte went to get a trolley to put their belongings on. Jacob did this work and they set Crookshanks' basket and Hedwig's cage on top. Then they walked into King's Cross train station to find Remus and Tonks.

They found them standing at the platforms nine and ten, right where the two teens were supposed to depart from. They turned to the adults and said their goodbyes; then, went through the barrier to meet the Hogwarts Express. The pair saw a lot of students getting on the train, saying goodbye to their parents, and bringing their trunks to the stationmaster to put on the train.

Hermione was extremely nervous to go any further. She pulled on her shirt again to make it puff out and conceal the baby a little. It was no use. Harry could still see the bump. "Hey, it's going to be okay," he reassured her grabbing her hand, making her smile for a moment. "I'm here."

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