Chapter 5: Class

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The next day, the two teens woke up and Dobby had brought them breakfast already. He had put a spell on it to keep it warm in case it got cold. It was a grand feast, filled with eggs, sausages, bacon, fruit, toast, and baked beans. Hermione had to rush to the bathroom to throw up once she smelled the eggs. Harry had to get rid of it, so he ate real fast. When he was done, he went into the bathroom to hold her hair up for her.

When she was done, they went back to their breakfast and ate, although Harry didn't have much of an appetite left after what he just saw. So he let her finish eating whatever was left and watched her eat with a smile.

She noticed his grin, though. "What?"

He shook his head. "Nothing." 'Just thinking about how beautiful you are,' he thought in his mind. He heard a tapping on the window to his left. He looked and saw Hedwig flying there, wanting to come in. He stood and went to open the door, he noticed a letter in her claw. He took it and saw that it was addressed to Hermione. He gave it to her. "Here, it's addressed to you." She took it and left to bring Hedwig to his room. She flew to her perch and she fell asleep. Harry walked back down the stairs to see the letter opened. "Who is it from?" he asked.

"Professor McGonagall. She set an appointment up for me with Madame Pomfrey at noon," she replied finishing her last bite of sausage.

"Do you think I'll actually be let into the Hospital Wing this time?" he asked her.

Hermione just shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, I can understand why they won't let you in. We're not together and she figures you would be uncomfortable with know."

Harry chuckled half-heartedly. "But I've already seen your-" He stopped short when he realized what he was about to say. They both blushed.

"Er, I'm going shower," he said nervously. "Yeah." He walked away embarrassed, not seeing Hermione's smile and not hearing her small giggle.

They both took a shower and then went to work on fixing up the nursury for the unborn baby Arabella. They changed only a few things, which included putting a soft, pink rug on the stone floor; putting in a few pictures they had brought with them in their trunks. One was of Charlotte and Jacob Granger, one was of Harry's late parents that Sirius had given him. Two were individual pictures of the two of them, and one final picture of them together.

They saw that they couldn't do much else. Although Hermione did look at the bookcase that held only about four books and said, "I'm going to need to go to Hogsmeade soon and get a few children's books. We might need to do that soon, Harry. Go to Hogsmeade, or we can do some baby shopping during the Christmas hols."

"I think the Christmas hols would be better, we can Floo the things in and won't have to worry about lugging them in from Hogsmeade," he said with a smile. They checked the time and saw that it was a quarter until noon.

"Come on, let's get to the Hospital Wing." They made their way to the Hospital Wing, seeing many people as they passed. They paid them no mind, just smiled at them. Hermione was becoming less and less nervous about her bulge. She supposed it was Harry. Harry gave her courage. He stood next to her and held her hand, giving her the support she needed. She couldn't help but wonder if he loved her as much as she loved him. She wanted to tell him, but she was afraid he would reject her. She couldn't live with that.

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