Chapter 9: Prophecy

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The young family arrived home to the Potter Manor. Kit and Torry greeted them happily. "Master Harry, Mistress Hermione, Mistress Arabella, welcome home, welcome home," they ushered them into the Manor, bringing in their luggage that Remus put on the front step.

"Thank you, Kit and Torry," Hermione said as their trunks were brought upstairs. Hermione set Arabella's infant seat down and took Crookshanks out of his basket, letting him run and be free. Harry did the same with Hedwig and let her fly outside to hunt.

Remus, Tonks, and the Grangers said goodbye to them and let them deal with everything on their own. Hermione brought Arabella in the family room. She took her out of the infant seat; Torry set a blanket down on the ground and her mother laid her on it on her stomach to look around.

Crookshanks came sulking to the baby sniffing her. "Crookshanks," Hermione warned. "Don't you scratch her."

Arabella looked up at him and smiled, grabbing his fur and almost petting him. He licked her cheek, making her giggle and everyone else laugh.

Hermione looked at Harry. "So are you going to tell me what McGonagall told you?"

"After dinner, I promise," he smiled and kissed her forehead, leaving to go unpack.

After dinner, all three of them went into the nursery so that they could put Arabella down for the night.

"Are you going to sing to her?" he grinned as his daughter was getting a little fussy.

Hermione rolled her eyes and sat in the rocker with Arabella. She began singing Arabella's song, getting her to pass out. Harry just stared at her, thinking she had the most beautiful voice in the world. It was angelic. The first voice Harry wanted to hear when he died, singing that song, was her voice.

When she was finished, Arabella was out like a light. Hermione tucked her in with the blanket. "Goodnight, baby girl, Mummy loves you." She turned around and saw Harry staring at her. "Well…?" she asking him about her singing.

"It was…beautiful," he choked out. "Um…I'll meet you in the living room to tell you. I'm going put my pajamas on and I need to get something." He rushed out before he said anything stupid.

Hermione shut Arabella's door, leaving a crack in it. She smiled and went put her own pajamas on.

They met in the living room. Kit had put a roaring fire on, warming them, even though it was the summer, as there was a little chill. "Thank you, Kit," Harry said and the house elf bowed and left. Harry and Hermione both sat on the couch. Hermione put her feet up and leaned back against the arm of the sofa, while Harry just sat with his feet on the floor. He gave her the parchment in his hand. "This is a prophecy...made about me...and Voldemort. McGonagall gave it to me. She said Dumbledore was keeping it from me."

She took it and read it. When she finished, she looked at him with a tear in her eye. It rolled down her face. "So, you have to kill him?"

"Or he's going to kill me," he replied solemnly.

"No, you are going to kill him," she corrected. She leaned forward and turned his head so that he would look at her. "You are going to kill him. Not the other way around."

He nodded, agreeing that she was right. He hoped he could destroy him once and for all and then live in peace.

"What's 'the power the Dark Lord knows not'?" she asked looking at the parchment again.

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