Chapter 2: Appointment

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Harry woke up the next day to a scratching on his door. He groaned, but got up anyway and opened the door. Crookshanks sat there and when he saw him, he scratched on his leg. "Hey, Crookshanks, how have you been? Owner's not up yet? You hungry?" Harry smiled and picked the cat up into his arms and walked down the stairs to feed the cat.

He saw that no one was up yet, so he decided to make breakfast. But first, he found the cat food and put it in Crookshanks' food bowl and set it on the floor. The cat rushed to the bowl and began eating. "You were hungry," Harry chuckled and got started on breakfast. He found eggs, bacon, and biscuits. He got to work on them and soon the kitchen was filled with wonderful aromas of breakfast food. It was making him hungry just smelling it.

He heard a noise behind him. He turned around and smiled at who it was. "Good morning, Hermione."

"Good morning, Harry," she replied a little groggy. She looked at Crookshanks and asked, "He woke you up this morning?"

"Yeah, he was scratching at my door," He said back.

"Sorry about that."

"No, it's okay, I don't mind. I'm used to getting up early. Besides, we're going to have to get up early in nine months for a while," he said smiling.

Hermione looked at him seriously. "You sure you're okay with this?"

He smiled and nodded. "Of course. I don't know why I'm not freaking out. I guess it's because it's you. You're my best friend and you make me comfortable."

She smiled dreamily and said, "I'm hungry."

He chuckled and pulled out seven plates. He gave one to her and put some scrambled eggs on it, three pieces of bacon, and two biscuits. "Harry, this is a bit much."

"You're eating for two," he reminded.


Harry made himself a plate and they sat down at the table and ate their breakfast happily. Harry never knew a time when he was this happy in his life.

"Harry, this is really good," Hermione said eating into her eggs. "I could get used to this."

"Thanks, I'm glad you appreciate it. The Dursleys never did," he said with a sad look. "I'm glad I don't have to go back there anymore."

"Now you'll be with someone who likes your cooking," Hermione said smiling.

Then, they heard shuffling in the doorway. It was Jacob and Charlotte.

"Hey, good morning, Mum, Dad," Hermione said smiling.

"Good morning!" they chorused back.

"Good morning, help yourself to some food," Harry offered.

"Thank you," Charlotte said walking to the food on the stove, while her husband went to pour her and himself some coffee.

"So, Mum, I was thinking that we could go to Hogwarts today to see Madam Pomfrey. She's the school nurse. Since we'll be there for school, I think we should go see her so she and us will be familiar with it," Hermione told her mother.

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