Chapter 15: Visions

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Harry was visited by three Death Eaters a day for a triple Cruciatus Curse. It hurt like hell and Harry wasn't sure if he could stand anymore. He bore with it, thinking of Hermione and Arabella, trying to overcome the pain. He wasn't sure if he was still alive sometimes. Blood covered his cell, making it smell and taste like metal. He was let out a few times, however, to use the bathroom, which was strange that they would let him do that.

He wondered if Remus and Tonks were coming to get him. He hoped they knew where he was being held. He had a mission to complete. Even if he had to die in the process. He would do it because he loved the Wizarding World. It was his world. And Voldemort could not ruin it.

Something kept striking his mind as he lay in his cell. Before he blacked out for the first time. He had heard his daughter's voice yelling out to him. He wondered why he could hear it, or maybe he was just hearing things his mind wanted him to hear.

But it sounded so real. It was like she knew he was in trouble.


Arabella continued to have strange dreams about her Daddy being attacked and beaten. They came at random. She never told her Mummy in fear of worrying her more. She continued to play the piano. Hermione had given her a baby piano for her to practice on. It was pink and looked just like the black grand piano. She put it in the piano room, so she could practice with her.

Arabella loved to play pieces with her Mummy. Once Arabella got a little faster, they would do a duet of "Heart and Soul", since she recently learned how to play it.

Playing piano was her second to favorite things to do, behind learning how to read. Nothing could surpass books. She was slowly learning to read, as well. She could read the first page of The Velveteen Rabbit.

Hermione was so proud of her daughter learning to read and write. She, however, did notice Arabella's sleepy eyes every morning, signaling that she didn't get much sleep the night before. She was getting a little worried. She knew she was having nightmares. Scary nightmares, it seemed to be. Soon, she could see that the nightmares would change her moods. Instead of being the happy little girl who was always full of energy, she was tired, depressed, scared, and worried all the time.

Arabella did her best not to scream out in her nightmares to wake up Hermione. She loved her too much to be doing that.

Hermione always tried to get her to talk about it. But she would just shake her head and look away. She wanted her daughter back. She wanted her happy again. It saddened her to see her like this.

"Arabella?" she tried one day. The little girl was sitting on her bed staring into space. She was slightly rocking back and forth, as if she needed someone to hold her and soothe her. Hermione did just that. She gathered her in her arms. "Arabella, baby...please, tell me what's wrong." A tear leaked out of her eye, rolling down and hitting Arabella's forehead. She paid it no mind, though.

"I-I keep having these nightmares, Mummy. Scary nightmares," she said finally.

"What are they about?" Hermione stroked her hair back and kissed her forehead.

"D-Daddy. He's always hurt. He's struggling. He's weak. He's beaten by men in dark cloaks," she replied shaking a bit. "I'm scared for him, Mummy. He's in danger."

"Shh, it's okay. Someone will come for Daddy, I promise," she began to sob in grief of her love in danger.


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