Chapter 6: Voice

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Hermione was now five months pregnant. She had to charm her robes to "grow" along with her swollen stomach. She read in her pregnancy book that it was good to talk to the baby often, so that they would know the parents' voices. She began to do that very often as the book said to.

She'd tell unborn Arabella everything. She'd tell her about her, about her parents, about Harry, Neville, Luna, what she did that day in class, and plenty of other things. She, however, did not tell her anything about Dumbledore or Voldemort. She didn't want to scare her, even though she could not understand a word she was saying. And every night, she rub her tummy and whisper, "Goodnight, Arabella, sleep tight. Mummy loves you."

Hermione was glad her morning sickness ended three weeks ago in the middle of her fourth month and early beginning of fifth. Harry was glad as well, but but still missed holding her hair back for her.

Some great news came when Neville announced that he and Luna were now officially dating. They were the cutest couple Hermione had ever seen. And Luna had become her her girl best friend fairly quickly. Luna couldn't wait for Arabella to be born. She had made her a bracelet made out of coral and gave it to Hermione on her birthday. However, she couldn't wear it until she was a little older. Luna apologized that it wasn't a gift for her. Hermione burst into tears when she saw the bracelet. It was the most generous gift anyone has ever given her. She immediately forgave Luna for giving Arabella a present instead of her, telling her that her support was enough.

Harry did something extra special for Hermione's birthday. While Hermione was taking a nap, Harry snuck down to the kitchens and asked Dobby if it was okay if he could cook something for Hermione for her birthday. Dobby complied helping him in anyway he could.

That night, they had a candlelit dinner at their homework table. Dobby put a covered dish down in front of Hermione and uncovered it. She gasped and almost burst into tears again. Harry had made her chili with chopped up bananas. He had asked Dobby not to put the bananas in until the last possible moment, in fear of them getting soggy.

Hermione hugged him close. "Thank you so much, Harry! I've missed your chili with bananas!"

Harry chuckled and hugged her back, replying, "You're welcome, Hermione. Happy birthday."

They ate happily. Harry said that there was no way he was eating the same, so he just made himself some spaghetti with meatballs. For dessert, they had pumpkin pie and whipped cream. Hermione ended the night with, "Harry, this was the best birthday ever. Thank you."


It was a few days after her birthday did she feel it for the first time. She was sitting on her bed doing her Potions homework, which was a six-foot essay on how to properly brew a Forget-Me-Not potion.

She liked to talk to herself as she wrote the essay, so that she could properly understand it. "...'and add two rat spleens, which will make it turn an orange color. Then stir it clockwise six times until it turns blue. Then add in four-'" She stopped writing when she felt it.

Arabella must have heard her mother talking to herself because Hermione felt a kick for the first time. At first, she thought the elastic on her panties had busted, but when she felt it again, she knew exactly what it was. She put her hand on her stomach, right over Arabella. "Arabella? Is that you?" A response came in the form of another kick. She smiled widely. "Yes, yes, Mummy feels you." Another kick.

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