Chapter 31

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I'm the one I should love in this world
My shining self, my precious soul

Sunday afternoon in the penthouse with your Soulmate was leisurely. You had been snuggled in each other's arms for a very long time before you got up.

When he informed you about his Appa's inquiry, Soekjin was tremendously distressed.

"I believe that his staff saw me here with you. the lady who beams so widely at all times. My whereabouts are always reported to my father by her. Unfortunately, I ran into her at the reception yesterday even though I assumed she would be off this weekend. "His heart was racing, and he let out a long sigh.

Conflicts with his family make Seokjin very upset. When he actually took a strange girl to his penthouse, his father would confront him about it. He loves his dad , but he is a tough nut to crack. 

"Baby, try not to stress too much. Simply explain to him that I am a peer student who is residing in Busan and that you must assist me in handling the workload because you will be off performing your idol schedule or whatever." You admire his gorgeous eyes as you stare up at him and think, Oh, You love this man so much; Really hate to see him stressed.

You received a gentle forehead kiss from Soekjin "I worry that my dad would become furious. Noodle will be my wife, he has already made up his mind. He is only interested in her for me. My mother and hers have already started the engagement planning process." When he saw the range of emotions flashing in your expressive eyes, his heart tightened. Your demeanor shows that you are deeply hurt.

Your eyes welled up with tears as you took a long breath. "I guess I'll never be accepted in your family, and family is very important," you said. "Even though the system has already tied the red-gold string that married us, I can't let you make that decision. I don't think my heart will be able to survive without you, Jinnie. I can't lose you because I love you too much. Seokjin comforts you by holding you closer in his arms as you sob.

He was grieving your loss and experiencing similar emotions.

"The only thing that gives us hope is that Noodles' soulmate will change. Samiya , I'm terrified that she wants to be my wife. Her father will arrange for her to wed a very unsuitable man she despises if she is unable to marry me. Although he is already in his middle thirties, he is extremely wealthy and the CEO of three convenience stores. And if I don't marry her, my Appa has one of the Choi sisters waiting in the wings. the girl of his other partner. You better believe  I've been tormented by those girls ever since we were kids. I cannot imagine me dating either of them. Noodle is the best choice, and she also seeks to marry her soulmate, but he picked his long-term girlfriend instead of her." Seokjin breathed a deep breath, his eyes becoming moistened.

Your breath hitches as you gulp "Since I'm getting married to Vidhan in two years, I still have timeHe's coming to the banquet of the Legacy club with my brother. My brother will fill in for my parents while they are away on business in Belarus. Priya will stay at Mukhis home of my sister. Why is it so difficult for us to be together, Jin? Like we are  star-crossed lovers."

"FATE had to work for us otherwise we would be the loneliest married couples in the future," Seokjin acknowledged, his eyes distressed.

With a sigh "At least Noodle was interesting to you right away. I abhor Vidhan. He solely cares about my appearance and my star power. His reputation will enhance if he gets Miss India."

"We will be physically and emotionally unsatisfied even when we have other lovers. I'll never have a strong physical desire for Noodle. I don't want children with her." he pursed his full lips tightly.

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