Chapter 33

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(Even if I'm shaking and afraid, 

I walk on forward)

Samiya and her buddies had a slow day

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Samiya and her buddies had a slow day. They decided to eat lunch at the restaurant where Shruti also worked.

Daphne and Sabine were waiting for you at the top of the steps. You have to complete all of your worksheet assignments. You couldn't be more grateful for Seokjin's assistance. You sensed weird emotions radiating from your soulmate during the Korean cultural class. He appeared anxious and frustrated. You could tell immediately that his encounter with his father wasn't going to be pleasant.

Sabine and Daphne were chattering happily since they had also turned in their worksheets and assignments. These three months of language classes will fly by, and you'll begin your graduate degree studies the following semester in the new year.

You picked up your bag and exited the lecture classroom, where you greeted your professor and two group members, and strolled slowly toward the exit. A swarm of students was buzzing around campus. Several students waited on the steps of revising exam papers, while others went to the library to study or do research.

Yet you had a hole in your stomach as hunger began to take hold. You flash a dazzling smile to your two friends. You're curious about Shruti's whereabouts.

"Hey, girls!" When you rushed down the concrete stairs toward them, you greeted them.

"We're still waiting for Shruti, Sami. She texted me to say we won't be dining at the lecturers' cafeteria but instead going to Restio for fast food. That's terrific "Daphne's blue eyes gleamed.

Sabine grins, "I'm craving a juicy burger. I'll start dieting tomorrow!"

You inquire gently, "Now, where is Shruti?"

You were suddenly aware of a whirlwind of a presence surrounding you. It was Shruti.  You were all taken aback by her bewildered manner.

"And now, girl. Did you run a marathon!"Daphney chuckled.

Shruti giggles nervously "... no, let's just leave quickly. I've already wasted your time."


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