Chapter 37

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When Seokjin and his family arrived at Noodle-Joo's mansion for dinner, they were immediately struck by the grandeur of the place

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When Seokjin and his family arrived at Noodle-Joo's mansion for dinner, they were immediately struck by the grandeur of the place. The driveway curved through carefully tended landscaped gardens, leading up to a massive mansion with tall columns and elaborate design. Being as stoical as ever, Seokjin kept his cool as they got out of the car and were met by Noodle-Joo's staff at the entrance.

Inside, it was even more opulent. Crystal chandeliers hung from high ceilings, casting a warm light on the marble floors and soft furniture. His family enjoyed the grandeur around them while Seokjin himself stayed reserved, his face unreadable in front of such extravagance. He was feeling unsettled.

Noodle-Joo appeared as they were being taken to the dining room; her eyes lit up when she saw Seokjin. She hurried over to them, practically bouncing as she hugged each family member. He responded politely but distantly, giving her a small smile while he made small talk with their host.

Still though Noodle-Joo couldn't have looked happier about having them there as guests, Seokjin's dad couldn't help but feel annoyed at his son's apparent lack of interest

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Still though Noodle-Joo couldn't have looked happier about having them there as guests, Seokjin's dad couldn't help but feel annoyed at his son's apparent lack of interest. He had hoped that he would be more excited about this — didn't he know who their host was?

But as he watched Seokjin's calm self-possession move  the family gathered in their honor, disappointment washed over him like a wave: had his son understood what tonight meant?

But as he watched Seokjin's calm self-possession move  the family gathered in their honor, disappointment washed over him like a wave: had his son understood what tonight meant?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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