bonus or something

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small continuation of the previous chapter because you guys like to make me work more than I need to


I might make bonus chapters, they don't have smut it's just brief stuff for those more interested plot wise

but if you're here for the smut just skip this lmao



Pico made his way down the streetway. It was dark, but the tall lamp posts that greeted him every 5-10 seconds lit up his path.

He felt.. guilty. The guilt was building up inside him that he could just melt right then and there.

"..I can't do this." He said, taking a hand that was stuffed down his pockets, putting it up to his forehead.

He couldn't do it. What was he going to say? He'd probably have to lie. But even if he did,

they would eventually find out..

He can't turn back right now. Just keep them at bay and make excuses. He wasn't scared. Fuck no.

He even brought his gun for safe keepings of course.

He looked down every single alleyway he passed by, til he stopped seeing one. Admiring a glowing, green aura from down it.

This was it.

He walked down the alleyway, going up to the glowing. It was one of those signs stores had when they were opened or closed.

But it didn't say anything. It was just a green, glowing sign. This is where he met up with the people who've gotten associated with him.

Then suddenly someone stepped from the darkness. Walking up to him. He already knew who it was. He breathed out with a groan. This shouldn't take too long.

"Did you leave him yet?"

Pico looked away. What the fuck was he supposed to say? If he said no, there would be hell to pay.

"I'm packing my things tomorrow alright." He groaned in annoyance. This pestering bastard.

"Remember what I said. You need to get away from him, things will start getting more dangerous. And eventually-"

"Eventually he's going to get caught in the crossfire. You repetitive ass. I know that." He glared.

There was silence, time it broke once again.

"I know you love him Pico. But it's for both of your own goods."

"I just need to get away from him right? I don't need to break up with him." Pico questioned.

"That's right. If something happens to that boy, it's your responsibility. Not mine."

The figure started walking away. Pico stuffed his hands in his pockets. Gripping the fabric in frustration.

"And by the way," A voice came from afar, getting Pico's attention unfortunately.

"Try not to make it too obvious. If push comes to shove,, ..

you'll probably be the cause of his last moments."

"Shut up you. Go back to your corner and butt out. My personal life has nothing to do with you." He snarled.

Then, he was left alone.

He couldn't do this. He fucking loved the guy! Keith.. he was so sorry. But he didn't wanna break the guy's heart.

Speaking of the blue boy himself, Pico shortly after got a phone call. Hearing the ringtone from his back pocket.

He reached back, grabbing something. Oh, his gun. He reached into the other pocket, looking at the contact name.

Seeing it only made him feel more relieved. Yet saddened. Just thinking about the possible outcomes..

Oh quiet you pessimistic conscious. Nothing is going to happen to him.

He'd make sure of that.

Pico answered it immediately. Putting it up to his ear. "Yo?" He questioned.

"Don't 'yo' me. Where are you??" Keith asked. Sounding worried. Pico could only grin.

"Don't worry babe, I'm completely fine." He said. Reassuring him. He was so damn cute when he was concerned about him.

"That didn't answer my question." He said. "It doesn't matter. I'm coming back right now. Wait up for me?" He gave a sly smirk.

Keith rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile. "Always."

The two sent a kiss through the phone before ending the call.

Pico's smile faded soon after. He told Keith he wouldn't leave him. But if he really had to for his own safety,
then that promise would have to be broken.


to put it shortly pico was trying to get away from him because he was unfortunately affiliated with some mean men bad guys

so if one day they find him, they'd probably try to take/kill Keith at the same time as blackmail

so by distancing himself, they would have no way of getting to him

the end lol

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