+ Ride +

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keeping it short and sweet.

I don't have enough stamina for a long ass story cause my head hurts but I wanna post something NOW.



"You guys are so fun to hang out with. Thank you so much for letting me tag along with you and your friends." The girl smiled at the man in the driver's seat.

"It was no problem. You're not too bad yourself. I'm surprised that idiot has sane friends." The boy remarked.

"What is that supposed to mean?" The one in the backseat glared at the other. But it just caused the ginger to smirk. He knew what he meant.

The brunette in the passenger seat giggled a bit. Today she got to hang out with Keith, but he suggested to bring a few friends by.

Which were 3 other people. Yes, the trio we all love and know. Pico, Darnell and Nene.

It was currently late at night. They were already finished with today and they had a blast! So now Pico was just driving them all home. He didn't trust anyone else in the driver's seat.

He already dropped Nene off a few minutes ago. And Darnell insisted on just letting him go with her too. So that was one less stop he had to make.

So now he was left with Gf and Keith. Which, he'd rather let Gf sit in the passenger seat rather than Keith.

For obvious reasons.

"Hey, Pico right?" The girl had her phone in her nail painted hand. Looking over at the driver. She wasn't too weary of his name..

"Hm?" He hummed, yet not taking his eyes off the road.

"That girl today. Is she your girlfriend?" She questioned honestly.

It made both Pico and Keith perk up a bit. What a question.. what. a. question. Though Pico got his groove back and stayed calm in his seat.

"Nah. Just a friend." Pico answered. Keith stayed quiet in the backseat. Even though usually he'd be loud and asking to play music or whatever.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. Just today you guys looked so nice. Unless she's dating that other boy instead?" Gf asked. Honestly Pico should be annoyed at all these questions, but the girl was chill. So he didn't mind.

"They aren't dating either." He mentioned. But then got a small grin. "Why, you interested in em?"

The girl perked up herself, being a little surprised by that response. She turned her head and looked out the window lightly. "Um.. no. No reason really. Just wondering.."

A small laugh came from the ginger. He's known the other two for so long. Bout time somebody took interest in those morons.

The car eventually came to a halt after a few minutes. Which made the brunette look up a bit shocked. "Oh, that was fast!" She then smiled and waved at the two. Opening the car door.

"Thanks again for inviting me! Let's do this again sometime!" The girl closed the door. "Take care you two!"

"Yeah you too G." Pico replied. Keith rolled down the window and stuck his head out. Waving at her. "TEXT ME LATER!" He called out to her. She waved back, indicating she would.

pico x bf (everything smut)Where stories live. Discover now