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it was way past his normal schedule of his sleep time when he heard a knock on his door..

part of him wanted to ignore whoever was it, in this ungodly hour of the night.

and he was really planning to, but whoever it was, was really persistent. the knocking continued on for atleast seven minutes straight.

so in the end, he opened it and was surprised to see who it was..

little did he knew how much he would come to regret answering and even opening the said door to whoever it was...

"oh. this is a surprise. i wasnt expecting for you to visit me. Come in. " the red head said softly, upon seeing who had dared to visit him at this time of the night.

Letting the taller male inside his apartment, he sighed softly, well he has an inkling of an idea on the 'why' the other decided to stop by.

although he didnt want to be rude, and god knows how tired he is. he simply didnt have the energy to be rude to anyone as of the moment.

Putting his smile back into his face, as soon as he turned to face the other.

Directing the other into his living room, while he had went to his kitchen to at least, pick some drinks for the two of them, he had to pray that this will end shortly and with less drama.

He was pretty sure, with how the situation between him and the other male's best friend, heck, he wouldnt even spare him a glance. He had even went as to think that the other might have hated him.

Well, who wouldnt?. After all, he's a goddam mistress, or side chick, as the cruel media keeps on renaming him.

Sitting down across the other , as he placed the drinks he had prepared for the two of them, he did a quick observation on the other. well, his face is as usual, having its lack of expression. making it harder for him to guess whatever motive the other has for this surprise visit.

" I must admit, I'm surprise that you decided to visit me. Considering how close you and midoriya... " the red head stated, looking into the eyes of the other, as he watched him took a sip of his drink.

" considering the situation, I hate to be rude but, shall we cut to the chase then?. I have an interview tomorrow for the agency that I am applying to... So .. what brings you here?'"

Considering how the two of them weren't really that close when they were younger, he had to guess the reason of the other's unnotified visit. Although , for once in his life, he didn't give a flying hell, for what ever the other might say against him.

Sure when they were younger, he used to admire the other for how manly he is. On how he seems to be a reliable friend to the greenette. But right now, he knew this man isnt the former boy he used to spend time with. He isnt a comrade, especially not his friend.

Knowing how much almost half of japan's people hates him, its not bad to think of him as his enemy.

" You make it sounds like im going to beat you or something, Kirishima kun. " and he had even the audacity to let out a chuckle after saying those words.

" I just wanted to make sure you're okay.... knowing how... difficult your situation is... " the other male added, staring at the other's eyes as he smiled at him. He didn't know why, but he didn't like that smile on his face.

Smile or a grin , whatever that is on his face, he didn't like it. His instincts keeps on screaming at him to run or get away from the other as soon as possible.

Hell, he would, if he could. But he didn't want to seems so paranoid.

Pretty sure that if the other tries to do something funny, his neighbors will definitely hear something.

So despite his heart beating as if it was going to jump off his chest any time soon, despite how much all of his hair at the back of his neck seems to stood up, despite the fear and the uncertain swimming around his stomach, he had swallowed all of it.

And instead decided to plaster a fake smile on his face.

" Well, thank you for your concern... really. Im doing well , as well as I can be given the situation that I am in.. granted, not exactly an ideal situation , but I know , katsuki and I will be able to overcome this situation... Arent you, mad or something?.. After all, I hurt your best friend... Unintentionally ... " He inquired.

Watching how the other's smile slowly turn into a stiff one. Granted, with his words, he might be digging his own grave or adding fuel to to the fire.

some might say he has a death wish, or something. but right now, he just wants all of this to be over. all this drama, as if he and katsuki were the only ones who did such thing.

well, he couldnt care less about whatever their opinion about him and his lover. what matters the most is that, he is sure, and he damn well knew katsuki wouldnt leave his side, no matter what.

yes, he might be married in paper, but his heart belongs to the red head. the marriage between the blonde and the greenette was just a mistake.

besides, once the pup was out, he's pretty sure katsuki will leave that too goody shoes omega. he will definitely come to him, with their future pup in his arms. ready to start their own family.

seeing how the others react to his words, it seems he hit a nerve. though as he said before, he didnt care.

" is it really unintentionally, kirishima kun?. you knew they are married and will be having a pup soon... dont you feel... i dont know...." the other shot back slowly.

"..... guilty perhaps?.... after all, you are ruining a family in the making. " he added, making the red head's blood boil in anger.

clicking his tongue, kirishima had glared at the other. gone was the pretense of friendliness from earlier and instead was a pissed of expression can be seen in his eyes, as he held his stare at the other.

" i knew..nothing good will happen once i let you in... heck, i wasted my time.." he answered daringly.

" if you are going to scold me, get in line behind all those people in the internet, will you?. you know i dont care whatever the hell all of your opinions are... what matters is that, katsuki and i are together... " he added, standing up as he bend down a little and lean his face close to the other in a mocking way.

" ....and there's nothing you, or that omega can do about it. so i suggest, suck it up and get lost...." smirking, he wanted the other to remember his words quite well.

" ... im just taking what is mine back. he's mine first.. so there's nothing wrong with that... stop wasting my goddam time... and get out of my house. " he grumbled before he pulled away and started to pick up the drinks he had prepared.

what a waste of time!

he should have just ignored the other. and instead went to sleep or rest just liked he had planned.

although, he should've listen to the little voice that keeps on nagging him to watch out for the other.

well, clearly he should have, so he wouldnt end up being on the floor , beaten up and almost half dead.

really, he should have never turned his back at him after saying those words....

well, just like they always say,

..... regrets always comes the last....


hello my lovely readers! its author san again!😂💖 missed me?😂 well i manage to find a home and doing well as of the moment. finally was able to edit this one so i could post it..heck, i'm really sorry for the long wait. i'll update as soon as i can again. thanks for still reading this.

stay safe and godbless you all. 💖💖

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