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There's  just one  word  enough to describe their marriage,    empty.
That's just it.  The omega  feels so empty being married to the most unloving alpha ever.  Izuku feels so shitty being married to him.  Since it doesnt even feels like they are married.

The two families decided,  especially  izuku and his mom to still  live together with the ' asshole ' as an additional to their small family.   The 'asshole' , refused to share the bed with izuku, and rather sleep on the sofat at the living room.

Trying to avoid him as best as he can as if the omega has a very contagious  disease.  Izuku  noticed too,  that the blond alpha stays silent with every moment  he has with the omega.  It was very obvious  that the alpha really doesnt want to be bother with the omega. 

To be honest,  the smaller male didnt know which he prefers,  katsuki yelling curses  infront his face or this version of the silent treatment  he's  receiving  from the asshole. 

The air around the three of them is so thick and awkward,  the pregnant  omega  couldnt help but feel distress.  Although he tries his best to mask his scent,  the two still seems to be able to caught some of it.   The tension was so overbearing  that  the omega wasnt able to take it all anymore and suddenly collapsed one day.

That day was also memorable too,  for he couldnt forget the facial expression of his alpha  before darkness enveloped  him.  He looks so worried,  and dare he say terrified.  Maybe  for the baby but the stupid part of him wishes that the alpha feels that way because he's  afraid for izuku.

Katsuki had doted all over him that day.  He had even go as far as spoon feeding him foods and all after the doctor had drilled into their minds  that izuku's  pregnancy is very delicate.  That anymore stress will cause them to loose the baby. Izuku is not anymore allowed to stand up,  except for bathing and using the rest room.

  Almost complete bed rest,  since the baby's  hold is not that strong anymore.   Food taste raw and rather dull to izuku anymore.  If not for the baby,  he knew he wont have any more will to eat.  

Who would have?  When you're  finally married to your childhood bully,  treating you as if your very existence is sickening.  It made him feel hollow,  he couldnt decide whether to be angry at the alpha  or chase after him again. 

After all,  he still love the bastard.  He just couldnt shake the damned feeling off.   He wants to be the one to put a smile on the other's  face,  to be the best husband he could be for the other.   But a part of him strongly disagree. Telling him that the alpha wasnt worthy of such love.  Such affections.  

He cant help but feel pity for his unborn child,  he or she will be born into an empty marriage.  An empty group of two individuals  forced to be together.  The thought  instantly made him regret marrying the bastard.  

If he  had only  refused the so called marriage,  the would have probaly sent be sent to a facilities  by the goverment  since he strongly  meets the criterias for the goverment to send  him there.    The first category  would be the obvious,  he's  an omega. 
The second would  be,  he's  unemployed  and still in the process of finishing his studies. 

Speaking of his studies,  he's  still studying of course.  Doing the paperworks and all.  In fact,  he had passed his tests with flying colors.  Once he gave birth and was deemed fine to tackle the physical aspects of his study,  then his dreams will finally came to life. 

Of course,  he's  not really that stupid,  he  knew the society will possibly  criticized  him.  Especially since he's  an omega,  with a pup  and all.   The world will try to bring him down,  that's  for  sure.  But he wont let them.

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